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Economy 04/02/2019 Uzbekistan creates new Ministry of Energy
Uzbekistan creates new Ministry of Energy

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- The Ministry of Energy has been created in Uzbekistan.

The Ministry will responsible for organization and regulation of activity of the fuel and energy complex of Uzbekistan. At the same time, full state control over the transportation of electricity will be maintained with the gradual formation of a modern wholesale electricity market based on competitive procurement of products directly from generating companies.

The document also approved the "Roadmap" to increase generating capacity, modernize electrical networks, improve metering and control of electrical energy consumption in 2018-2020. It envisages:

- implementation of 7 investment projects for the modernization of existing and commissioning of new generating capacities with a total capacity of 1,984 MW and a projected cost of US$2.6 billion;

- annual reconstruction of existing and construction of new electric networks with a total length of 7,100 km, installation and modernization of 2,500 transformer points due to attracted loans and own funds of Uzbekenergo;

- connection of 7 million consumers to the Automated System for Control and Accounting of Electricity (hereinafter - ASCAE), bringing the share of ASCAE by the end of 2021 to 100 percent of the total number of subscribers;

- development of long-term loans totaling US$1.8 billion, attracted by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, other international financial institutions.

Until 1 March 2019, a government commission should develop a modern scheme for organizing the production, transportation, distribution and marketing of electric energy. It should envisage widespread attraction of private, including foreign, direct investment in enterprises for production and distribution (sale) of electric energy, including on terms of public-private partnership.

Deputy Prime Minister Alisher Sultanov became Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan.

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