According to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan, some 35,050 units of small enterprises and microfirms were created in 2010 and 23,187 were liquidated.
Largest number of small enterprises and microfirms are operating in Kashkadarya region (44,439 units), Tashkent city (36,136) and Andijan region (19,281).
Syrdarya region (6,047), Navoi (6,179) and Jizzakh (6,728) regions have the lowest number of registered small enterprises and microfirms.
According to the committee, Tashkent city led on the number of registered small businesses in 2010. Some 6,833 enterprises were registered in the capital in January-December 2010. Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions claimed the second and third places correspondently. Some 4,147 new small enterprises were registered in Kashkadarya region and 2,943 in Tashkent region in 2010.
The lowest number of small businesses in Uzbekistan registered in Navoi region (899), Syrdarya region (1,309) and Jizzakh region (1,405) in 2010.
The committee said that Tashkent city (4,183), Kashkadarya region (3,143) and Bukhara region (3,338) led on number of the liquidated enterprises.
The lowest number of enterprises was liquidated in Syrdarya, Jizzakh and Navoi regions in 2010. Some 530 enterprises were liquidated in Syrdarya, 598 enterprises in Jizzakh region and 756 enterprises in Navoi region.
According to the committee, share of small enterprises in the GDP of Uzbekistan made up 52.5% in 2010, industrial output – 19.6%, construction works – 52.3%. Share of small businesses in retail trade turnover of Uzbekistan reached 50.5% and paid services – 47.7%.
As earlier reported, Uzbekistan announced 2011 as the Year of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship. Uzbek President Islam Karimov approved the state programme “The Year of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship” on 7 February 2011, which envisages wide-scale measures on creation of favourable conditions for small and private businesses in the country.
Registered as of 1 January 2011 | For January-December 2010 | ||
created | liquidated | ||
Uzbekistan | 231717 | 35050 | 23187 |
Karakalpakstan Republic | 10172 | 2047 | 1518 |
regions: | |||
Andijan | 19281 | 2517 | 1430 |
Bukhara | 14008 | 2264 | 3338 |
Jizzakh | 6728 | 1405 | 598 |
Kashkadarya | 44439 | 4147 | 3143 |
Navoi | 6179 | 899 | 756 |
Namangan | 13225 | 2112 | 832 |
Samarkand | 14865 | 2076 | 1634 |
Surkhandarya | 11457 | 1776 | 1897 |
Syrdarya | 6074 | 1309 | 530 |
Tashkent | 18210 | 2943 | 1011 |
Ferghana | 19162 | 2899 | 1477 |
Khorezm | 11781 | 1823 | 840 |
Tashkent city | 36136 | 6833 | 4183 |