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$1 – 12920.00
UZS – -0.09%
€1 – 14102.18
UZS – -0.04%
₽1 – 149.52
UZS – -0.44%
Economy 27/07/2007 Zarubejneftegaz starts drilling in Ust-Yurt, Uzbekistan

Zarubejneftegaz (Russian GazProm’s subsidiary) is starting exploratory drilling on the blocs of Ust-Yurt region in Uzbekistan. The first phase of the geological exploratory works envisages the drilling of several tens of exploratory wells on seven blocs.

The agreement between Uzbekistan and the Russian oil company envisages geological exploratory works on Aktum, Kuanish, Agyin, Nasambek, West-Urgin, Akchalak, and Shahpahta blocs, the total area of which exceeds 35,000 sq.m. The total volume of investments in the project for the geological exploratory works is estimated at US$400 million.

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