The average size of deal in the reporting period made up 19.34 million soums against 30.49 million soums in previous week. The highest ratio of price to par value was observed in consumer goods sector (2.9).
The highest volume of turnover was observed in construction materials sector, which attained 60.5% of total turnover in the reporting period. During the reporting period, the deals were carried out with shares of enterprises in 9 regions of Uzbekistan.
Total turnover of the UzSE comprised 31.961 billion soums in 2009. Overall 4,410 deals with 66.003 million shares were recorded in 2009.
IPO market turnover comprised 6.5 billion soums (20.4% of total turnover) and the secondary market - 25.4 billion soums (79.6%).
Shares of enterprises in Tashkent city were popular among investors as 65.4% of all carried out deals or 20.908 billion soums fell to their share. Tashkent region and Kashkadarya region followed Tashkent city.