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Finance 11/10/2021 Uzpromstroybank - transformation: a new customer service system launched in Bukhara
Uzpromstroybank - transformation: a new customer service system launched in Bukhara

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- This year, Uzpromstroybank is working to complete the final stage of transformation processes. Recently, during a conference and a press tour in Bukhara with the participation of members of the bank’s board, experts from the International Finance Corporation and media staff, a presentation of a new customer service system launched as part of the transformation of the Bukhara regional branch was held.

In the Decree of the President of the country from 12 May 2020 on the Strategy for reforming the banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025, important tasks are identified to create an effective infrastructure and automate the activities of banks, develop a network of universal service points, widely introduce remote services for the population and small businesses, implement lending only based on market conditions.

In the process of large-scale transformation carried out over a number of years in the system of Uzpromstroybank with the assistance of experts from the International Finance Corporation and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, great importance has been attached to the tasks defined in this decree. The Bank’s business model has been radically changed, all work is based on a completely new strategy.

On the example of the Bukhara regional branch, in which the work has by now been organized in a completely new format, based on the principle of customer focus, one can see the weight and effectiveness of measures in this direction.

In particular, the activities of the front office, organized in order to provide services to clients, providing convenience for the population, increased labor productivity in the branch several times. The efficiency of loan allocation increased 2.6 times for legal entities, 1.6 times - for individuals, the number of retail clients increased 1.7 times. Reduced cases of employees performing tasks that are not within their competence. The volume of banking products increased 1.5 times.

Management and support of network sales are centralized.

Previously, each branch managed the work of its subordinate banking service centers and retail cash register networks, now the management of all networks is entrusted to the regional branch, the subordinate branches only work with clients.

All functions related to the sale of banking products are centralized.

“In improving the quality of service in the branch, especially, it is effective to introduce a cascade incentive system based on business results,” says Bakhodir Nizomov, director of the Banking Products Sales and Network Coordination Department. - In this direction, a new incentive system has been developed for each employee of the front office in conjunction with his functions. Whereas previously a plan was drawn up for the entire branch, now each employee has his own individual plan. Based on this, at the end of each quarter, employees who have achieved high results in sales and service delivery are especially rewarded.

At the same time, the branch has introduced a service provision system based on the “mizhozbay” principle, that is, separately for each client. Thus, a circle of managers has been formed who provide individual services to clients. In particular, 3 managers have been appointed to the retail business block, 7 for potential clients, 3 for legal entities, and 1 manager for corporate clients. Also involved in the work are 9 business managers and the same number of universal service managers, 5 office and 12 service managers.

Before the transformation, employees, as specialists in narrow areas, provided services on the principle of “one employee - one product”, that is, in each checkout window, a service was provided for one operation (currency exchange, receiving money transfers, utility payments). It is no secret that this created a number of inconveniences for clients.

After the transformation, the activities of the cash desks were universalized. In order to carry out non-cash transactions without a queue, a "green corridor" has been created for money transfers from retail business clients, registration of deposits, transactions for all types of cards and SWIFT.

As a result of the fact that the main activity of employees is aimed at sales, the speed of service has increased by 1.5 times.

A team of employees that provided services by categories - working with currency for legal entities, opening a current account, credit, operational services and payments, was transformed into a new system - a team of business managers.

The average level of knowledge introduced in the test system prior to training at the Bank has been increased from 41 to 73 percent.

IT programs have been modernized, adapted to the modern model.

“Today, the client base and customer relations are the main factor ensuring our competitiveness,” said Deputy Chairman of the Management Board Shokhpur Gulturaev. - Their further development is our main goal. For this, we, having identified the real needs of customers, strive to develop new products and services, to provide an individual approach to the wishes of each client in this direction.

In short, the network of branches of Uzpromstroybank is being completely reformed, where the final stage of transformation processes is being carried out.

The most important thing, as defined in the above decree of the head of the country, reforming the banking system serves to meet the needs of the population in financial services, create a mechanism to support investment projects of large enterprises and business entities, and ensure regional coverage of banking services.


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