Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) — The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis has approved a draft law in its second reading aimed at enhancing consumer rights protection.
The document stipulates that if delivery deadlines, as specified in the contract, are violated, the seller is required to pay a penalty for the undelivered portion of the goods. However, the penalty amount should not exceed the cost of the undelivered goods, and its payment does not exempt the seller from responsibility for compensating damages caused by the delay or incomplete delivery.
The draft law also includes a provision that exempts the seller from paying the penalty if they can prove that the delay was due to the consumer’s fault.
In preparing the draft for the second reading, the responsible committee held a series of meetings and workshops, thoroughly reviewing all the submitted proposals. The most well-founded initiatives were included in the final text, which improved the document.
Lawmakers emphasized that the adoption of this draft law will strengthen the protection of consumers’ legitimate interests and help prevent breaches of sales contract terms, particularly concerning untimely or improper delivery of goods.