According to the committee, the most part of receipts received from decentralization and privatization was marked in Tashkent city (42.9% of total receipts), Tashkent region (20%), Ferghana region (9.5%), Namangan region (8%), Bukhara region (5.6%), and Kashkadarya region (3.3%).
In the process of decentralization and privatization, according to the State Property Committee’s data, 96 enterprises and objects (including program and non-program objects) were privatized in the reporting period.
The greatest number of projects was privatized in Tashkent city (37.5% of total objects privatized in Uzbekistan), Khorezm region (9.4%), Tashkent region and Surkhandarya region (8.3% each ), Kashkadarya region (7.3%), Andijan region, Namangan region and Ferghana region (6.3% each).
In the structure of privatized state property, the highest share falls upon projects of local authorities (53.1%), the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Industry (14.6%), the State JSC Uzbekyengilsanoat (6.2%), the Ministry of Public Education (4.2%), and other ministries and departments (12.5%).