The plan on production of grain was fulfilled and it made up 455,300 tonnes of grain. The yield from each box of silk-warms made up average 55.2 kg or 1.7 kg up compared to 2009.
According to the State Statistics Committee, Uzbekistan produced 23,972 tonnes of silk cocoons (2.2% year-on-year). Production of raw silk threads made up 271,400 tonnes in 2009 (0.3%).
Uzbekistan is one of five largest silk cocoon producers in the world. Its share on silk production in the CIS states makes up over 85%. The country has 14 large filature and six silk-weaving plants.
It is expected that Uzbekistan will increase capacities on production of raw silk by 50% by 2011, which is envisaged in the investment programme for 2005-2011. It is planned to implement 16 projects for US$20 million. Total capacities on production of raw silk will reach 1,515 tonnes, including 1,000 tonnes of 2A and 3A grades.