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Economy 05/04/2013 Uzbek women farmers to undergo training in Tashkent
Uzbek women farmers to undergo training in Tashkent
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Four-day training for trainers will be held in Tashkent on 6-9 April 2013, which will be attended by farmers and entrepreneurs from all regions of Uzbekistan.

The event is organized by Social Initiatives Support Fund in cooperation with German International Cooperation Union (GIZ), National Association of Accountants and Auditors of Uzbekistan, State Tax Committee of Uzbekistan, Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Asaka Bank, Agro Bank, Qishloq Qurilish Bank, Microcreditbank and Halq Bank.

The event is aimed at training trainers for holding seminars in regions of Uzbekistan. The seminars will be attended by over 5,000 women farmers and entrepreneurs. The event will help them to improve knowledge on finances and doing business.

Low knowledge on financial education, information on activities of banks, taxation, accounting, registering documents creates problems for women farmers and businesses on receiving and repaying of loans. So, there are need to train women farmers and businesses on finances and doing business, receiving loans, etc.

Annually SISF organizes training and seminars for women businesses on accounting, management, doing business, expanding business, creating new businesses, etc.

SISF is one of the executors of the state programme “The Year of Well-Being and Prosperity”. The Fund has been implementing “Support of women farmers and entrepreneurs” since 2007, which is directed at improving economic conditions and quality of life of families through providing microloans and improving financial education.

Within the project, some 1,054 women received preferential micro loans and credits for 16.4 billion soums. This helped to create over 3,000 new jobs.

In 2007-2012, about 3,234 women received preferential loans for 32.346 billion soums, which helped to create 10,988 new jobs.

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