According to the press service of the parliament’s upper chamber, the senators will consider a number of laws related to deepening socioeconomic reforms in Uzbekistan, UzA reported.
Among them are laws on introducing changes in the Law on Free Economic Zones, the Law on Electrical Energy, the law on introducing changes in article 256 of the Tax Code and others.
A number of laws to be considered by the Senate are related to legal sphere and ensuring order and security.
These are the Law on Fire Safety, the laws on introducing changes in article 227 of the Criminal Code, articles 185/2 and 104 of the Administrative Responsibility Code.
The members of the Senate are also expected to ratify the agreement on cooperation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states in fighting illegal circulation of arms, ammunition and explosives, signed in Dushanbe on 28 August 2008.
Other laws on the session agenda are the law on introducing changes in article 17 of the Family Code and the Law on Protection and Use of Archaeological Heritage Objects.
The Senate will also listen to the report on the Central Bank’s activity in 2008 and other issues.