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Uzbekistan 29/07/2009 Uzbek foreign ministry issues press release on parliamentarian elections
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On preparatory works to the elections to Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Councils (Kengashs) of people’s deputies, the press release published at the website of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

This year Uzbekistan will hold elections to Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and regional, district and municipal Councils (Kengashs) of people’s deputies.

The Article 76 of Constitution of Uzbekistan provides that Oliy Majlis, comprising of two chambers - Legislative Chamber (lower house) and Senate (upper house) is the “supreme state representative body”. Term of office of both chambers of parliament is five years.

In relation to the forthcoming elections, the Central election commission (CEC) of Uzbekistan has elaborated the Concept on preparing and holding the elections to Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and municipal Councils of people’s deputies. Besides, in accordance with the said Concept, the document of CEC, namely “Composition and structure of compulsory pre-election events subject to gradual implementation, starting from the mid-May until December 2009” was adopted.

The documents hereinabove determine the main principles, tasks, priority directions, main phases and events to be accomplished on preparing and holding the upcoming elections.

During the years of independence, as a result of consistent and onward modernization of political, state and legal system, Uzbekistan has established the election system which meets all democratic requirements. On the basis the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the country has formed an effective legislative and legal framework of elections, which meets the universal international norms and principles. An integral and independent system of election commissions has been developed led by the independently acting body - the Central election commission, which ensures preparation and holding the elections to the state representative bodies. Also, the organizational, legal, material and technical conditions have been formed for a free and active participation of citizens, as well as political parties in election processes, reliable guarantees of full realization of their voting rights. Establishing effective, democratic electoral system has become the most important step on democratic renewal and modernization of the country.

The upcoming elections will be held taking into account the amendments and addenda into the electoral legislation, which have provided for further liberalization and democratization of entire electoral system. According to the Law of the year 2008 “On introducing amendments and addenda into some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in relation to enhancing electoral legislation” with a view to further expanding and enhancing the role and place of supreme legislative body of the country, representative bodies of state power at the local levels in the processes of democratic renewal and modernization of society the parliamentary seats at the Legislative Chamber have been increased from 120 to 150.

The candidates for Legislative Chamber will be nominated only by political parties. It enhances the role of political parties on establishing the legislative and representative bodies of state power. At the same time, they bear a significant responsibility for complying with requirements of electoral legislation on preparing and holding the elections. The role and opportunities of civil society institutes have been enhanced.

Proceeding from administrative and territorial division of the country, as well as the importance of the issues of environment protection, improvement of ecological conditions, public health, i.e. the problems in whose resolving all strata of society are interested regardless of their political orientation, 15 seats at the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis shall be given to deputies elected from among the members of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

The electoral legislation now includes the institute of authorized representative of political party, who shall be entitled to take part in vote counting at polling stations and checking the correctness of drawing the conscription papers. Acceptable number of authorized delegates of candidates was increased from 5 to 10. A range of innovations introduced into the legislation has provided for a transparency in the activity of election commissions on preparing and holding the elections.

The concept of CEC has identified steady and unconditional compliance of all participants of the election campaign with provisions of current legislation as one of the main tasks on preparing and holding the elections.

Granting preferences to any participant of the election campaign during the elections shall be ruled out. The norms, requirements of electoral legislation, procedure of preparing and holding the elections, provided by law, including all those new provisions of electoral legislation, adopted by Oliy Majlis and current Concept are mandatory and equal for all.

CEC, as well as election commissions at all levels will take all necessary measures to create the broad and equal opportunities for political parties and candidates in holding their election campaigns, including in using the mass media in campaigning among voters about their election programs and their approach towards outstanding issues of social, political and economic development of the country.

In the course of preparatory period (the first stage) the conferences, seminars shall be held, collections of electoral laws will be published and distributed, the drafts CEC legal acts shall be elaborated and adopted, as well as other events are planned for implementation.

At the main second stage the work with voters as well as the mass media will be accomplished; polling stations, election commissions will be established; the work on drawing up the list as well as other events will be carried out.

At the final third stage the candidates will be nominated; they will meet voters, and the work on preparing and holding the voting process will be underway.

All stages of preparing and holding the elections shall be actively covered in the media. Other measures shall be taken aimed at maintaining the openness and transparency of voting, as well as observing law, independence, and justice in the activity of election commissions of all levels.

Fulfilling all work hereinabove on preparing and holding the elections to Oliy Majlis, local representative bodies of state power in strict compliance with provisions of electoral legislation, as well as the CEC approved Concept will allow to hold the upcoming elections at a highly democratic level. The elections will have a significant importance on further enhancing the role of Oliy Majlis, local Councils (Kengashs) of people’s deputies in democratic renewal of the country, its consistent movement from a powerful state to a powerful civil society.

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