Uz-Shindong Silicon was founded in August 2008 with charter capital of US$4.2 million. Shindong Enercom (South Korea) and the State Committee on Geology and Mineral Resources of Uzbekistan created the venture on parity terms. The venture explores quartz and quartzite deposits in Jizzakh regions of Uzbekistan.
President of Shindong Enercom Kim Young-sik [transliterated]. said at UzGeoInvest 2009 conference in Tashkent that geological explorations revealed 2.2 million tonnes of silicon reserves at the fields.
Shindong Enercom president said the company plans to build mineral processing plant in the first quarter of 2010. The plant will produce quartz concentrate and its capacity will be 6,000 tonnes a year.
Kim Young-sik said Shindong Enercom intends to build plant on production of polycrystal silicon in Navoi free industrial-economic zone and commission it in 2012.
Shindong Enercom Inc was founded in 1980 and it entered into Uzbekistan in 1991. The company participates in textile, construction, energy, agriculture, mining sectors of Uzbekistan. Shindong Enercom in cooperation with South Korean consortium purchased 47% of Dorreftrans, largest railway refrigerator operator, with the cost of US$17.5 million.