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Uzbekistan 16/04/2007 UNDP supports cooperation between Uzbek and German parliaments

The aim of the event was to exchange opinions and expertise in the sphere of law-drafting techniques between German and Uzbek Parliaments, and to propose ways of introducing European law-drafting techniques into the legislative procedures of the Uzbek Parliament.

The workshop was organized by the joint UNDP/Parliament project on "Enhancing Legislative and Institutional Capacities of the Parliament of Uzbekistan" in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, experts from the Institute of Monitoring the Existing Legislature under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Institute for Studies of the Civil Society. The participants of the workshop commented that the event aimed at "sharing ideas about a highly qualified, professional parliament". The forum aimed to provide parliamentarians with theoretical and practical assistance, and to help build capacity of the deputies and secretarial staff of the Uzbek Parliament.

More than 40 participants from the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament took part in the workshop, as well as other officials from the Legislative Chamber.

The workshop was an important step towards increasing the quality of national legislation and law-drafting processes, introducing advanced German practices in law-drafting and facilitating the effective functioning of the Parliament. It helped to apply parliamentary debates as a main form of discussions during the workshop as well as modern interactive technologies such as case-studies, working in groups, etc.

The organization of a study tour to German Bundestag within the framework of the joint UNDP/Parliament Project "Enhancing Legislative and Institutional Capacities of the Parliament" can be considered as a logical continuation of this workshop. Uzbek delegation attended the Uzbek-German round-table meeting in the German Bundestag and Bundesrat. The participants included Members of the Legislative Chamber, representatives from the Institute of Monitoring the Existing Legislature under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Institute for Studies of the Civil Society.

Main objectives of the joint UNDP and Legislative Chamber of the Parliament Project, launched in October 2005, include strengthening the legislative and institutional capacities of the Parliament for better effectiveness and efficiency of legislative processes and procedures.

Promoting Better Awareness of Women’s Role in Society Through Photo and Prose An exhibition entitled "Woman in Society" opened today in the Tashkent House of Photography. The event is part of a bigger social project that includes essay and photo-competitions open for wider public. The goal of the project "Woman in Society" is to raise awareness of a woman’s contribution to the modern society and to motivate and further activate those women who have not yet found their scope of activity.

The results of two competitions were evaluated by qualified jury of 10 people who chose 45 best photos as well as essays highlighting "Woman involved in society". Out of those photos and essays the best three nominations were selected and the authors were granted with valuable prizes. As a result the first place in the "Best Photo" nomination was awarded to Ms. Kamila Reimbayeva, who presented her work in the form of collage. The prize for "Best Essay" was awarded to student of school #21 in Tashkent, Ms. Svetlana Gulayeva.

Jesica Engel, the representative from German Embassy in Uzbekistan, opening the exhibition, pointed that "What women do today became an ordinary thing for others to accept, however this exhibition helps understand the importance of woman’s inputs in modern life". Other speakers stressed the importance of encouraging activities and initiatives among women, stimulation of women’s involvement in public work and establishment of contacts among active women in society. Photos presented at the exhibition reflected the ability of women to combine the role of socially active member and a caring mother in one person.

The photo exhibition will continue in the Tashkent House of Photography for six days and will then be exhibited on rotational basis in UNDP and project’s other national partners

The project "Woman in Society" is the initiative of a group of young people from THK - Theodor Heuss Kolleg and suported by DVV International – Institute for International Cooperation of German People’s Universities Association, National Association of Nongovernmental Organizations, and UNDP Uzbekistan.

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