Twelve companies receive licenses for organizing Umrah events
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( — Twelve companies in Uzbekistan have been granted licenses to organize and conduct Umrah events. This was reported by the press service of the Committee for Religious Affairs of Uzbekistan.
According to the decision of the Licensing Competition Commission, the following companies were selected as winners:
1. Ihlos travel 1 LLC (Andijan region, city of Andijan, Uzbegim neighborhood, Bobur Shoh street, building 40v).
2. Yuksak travel Air LLC (Ferghana region, city of Margilan, B. Margiloni street, building 3b).
3. Muhtasham travel LLC (Namangan region, city of Namangan, Shodlik neighborhood, A. Navoi street, building 2/1, apartment 3s).
4. Musaffo turizm xizmati LLC (Namangan region, city of Namangan, Bobur district, building 10, apartment 4).
5. Risola travel lux LLC (Namangan region, city of Namangan, Uychi street, building 1).
6. Xorazm umra jamiyati LLC (Khorezm region, city of Urgench, P. Mahmud street, building 350).
7. Hikmat Umra Travel LLC (Tashkent city, Mirabad district, A. Temur street, building 43, apartment 41).
8. Real Dreams LLC (Tashkent city, Almazar district, 14th dead-end, Zarkaynar street, building 75).
9. Travel with family LLC (Tashkent city, Almazar district, Small Ring Road, building 21).
10. Sofa Marva tour LLC (Tashkent city, Almazar district, Ziyo neighborhood, Small Ring Road, building 19).
11. B2 Management LLC (Tashkent city, Yakkasaray district, Urikzor street, building 124).
12. Safar time exclusive LLC (Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, 2-Charkh Kamolon neighborhood, Bunyodkor street, building 2).
The Committee reminded that activities related to the organization and conduction of Umrah events are prohibited at locations not specified in the license.
It was also emphasized that businesses without a license cannot offer such services.
Legal entities violating the legislation in this area may face a fine of 200 BRW, currently equivalent to 75 million soums.