As reported earlier, Center for securities market under the State Property Committee registered the 12th emission of shares of Turonbank on 22 October 2010.
Within the emission, Turonbank placed all 4 million ordinary shares with nominal value of 1,400 soums each. The bank completed shares placement on 27 May 2011.
In the result of the placement, the charter capital of the bank grew from 18.2 billion soums to 23.8 billion soums. The charter capital consists of 17 million shares, of which 14.409 million are ordinary shares and 2.591 million – preferential shares.
Open joint stock commercial Turonbank founded by the Ministry of agriculture and water management of Uzbekistan and its subdivisions. The bank was founded on 6 June 1990 and it is one of the first commercial banks in Uzbekistan.