The training was aimed at training of trainers, which will carry out preventive work among youth on prevention of human trafficking, determine the concept of "human trafficking", and main characteristics of this phenomenon, as well as explain the rules of safety and security in migration and staying abroad.
The training gathered 45 trainers on this programme. After training, trainers convened trainings for youth in places to inform population on risks on illegal migration. During the training, participants learnt the most important issues on human trafficking, how to protect themselves and their relatives and close ones from becoming victims of human trafficking.
Volunteers organized exhibition of children paintings titled "Human trafficking in the eyes of youth" and distribute various print products.
The main objective of the project "Promotion of the rights of women migrant workers" is to improve protection of human rights of the women involved in labor migration and to increase the quality of services provided by relevant government and nongovernmental bodies to women migrant workers and victims of human trafficking.