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Uzbekistan 30/05/2023 The XI Congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held
The XI Congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On 30 May this year, the eleventh Congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held. It was attended by 633 delegates elected from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent and considered direct delegates to the Congress in accordance with the Charter of the party.

The congress discussed the participation of UzLiDeP in the early elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held on 9 July this year, as well as the nomination of a candidate from the party in these elections.

It was noted that in recent years, on the basis of the principle "In the name of the honor and dignity of a person" and the noble idea "First of all - a person, and then society and the state", the welfare of our people has increased, sectors of the economy have been transformed, cardinal changes have occurred in the field of entrepreneurship, consistent reforms are being carried out to ensure the unconditional provision of human rights and interests, the formation of an active civil society.

Attention was focused on the fact that the past period has become a truly historic period of cardinal reforms and fundamental changes implemented within the framework of the Action Strategy and the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan, which is its logical continuation, which affected all spheres of society.

The congress participants noted that ensuring the continuity of these reforms, which have fully and comprehensively justified themselves, is the main task of UzLiDeP, a party that is considered the leading political force representing the desires and interests of millions of citizens of our country.

It is noted that in the new constitutional and legal realities that are being formed in connection with the adoption of the new version of the Constitution, it is necessary to nominate a person who is able to ensure the full and high-quality fulfillment of the new socio-economic obligations of the state to citizens, to carry out this responsible task in accordance with the begun in the country with reforms that have become irreversible, to unite and rally our society and people around such a great idea as building a New Uzbekistan, which will put the fate of the Motherland above its own, live with the problems and concerns of the people.

Emphasizing that the building of New Uzbekistan, a true patriot of his country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who devoted his whole life to the development and well-being of our country and people, has won the love of our compatriots with his fair administration, the delegates of the Congress unanimously decided to nominate in the upcoming elections from the party, the candidacy of Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

It was noted that under the leadership of the Head of our state in recent years, the country has undergone colossal changes and transformations in all areas. It is recognized that the political, legal, socio-economic image of our society is rapidly changing, new relationships, new values are being formed in our life, new opportunities are opening up. In particular, such democratic concepts and life skills as “human rights and freedoms”, “rule of law”, “openness and transparency”, “freedom of speech”, “freedom of religion and belief”, “public control”, “gender equality”, "inviolability of private property", "freedom of economic activity" are firmly established in our daily life.

In addition, at the meeting, the participants noted that all conditions are being created so that real market relations are introduced into our economy and on this basis all the necessary conditions are created for entrepreneurs so that they can contribute to the development of the country.

It was also noted that today the entire state apparatus is working for the development and well-being of society on the basis of the idea put forward by the Head of State that “People should live well not tomorrow, not in the distant future, but today.”

It was emphasized that all these updates and transformations are carried out on the initiative and thanks to the efforts of the incumbent President, millions of our compatriots who see and feel these positive changes in their daily lives want the consistent continuation of reforms precisely under the leadership of Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

At the congress, the candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a report on the main directions of his election program.

The program consists of five goals, the first - "Creating the most suitable conditions for each person to realize his potential." To achieve this goal, such proposals have been put forward as the implementation of new programs to bring preschool and school education to a high level, full coverage of the need for preschool education by 2030 and bringing its coverage to 100%, full state coverage of expenses for kindergartens for children from low-income families.

Also, in this direction, it is planned to complete a number of important tasks, such as the creation of an additional 2.5 million student places in schools, the implementation of the program "Five hundred thousand student places per year", the provision of additional benefits for private education, the launch of free school buses in remote areas, the creation in all districts and cities of boarding schools "Iste’dod - Intilish - Istikbol" ("Talent - Aspiration - Perspective").

Along with this, proposals to continue the continuation of reforms in the healthcare system were warmly welcomed by party members.

In particular, it is planned to take measures to increae the average life expectancy from 73 to 78 years, to ensure the full treatment of the disease "Hepatitis C" at the expense of the state, to provide the population with a "guaranteed package of medical services" free of charge, as well as to establish the treatment of stem cell transplantation with full coverage of its costs at the expense of the state for children from low-income families, the digitalization of the healthcare system and the introduction of a health insurance system.

The candidate also put forward initiatives to review the scope of social services, establish the activities of professional social workers in each mahalla, create social protection centers in the districts that provide social services on a one-stop basis, introduce an online work system for women on maternity leave, create a new system of support for persons with disabilities, as well as to coordinate work in this direction, it is proposed to create a National Agency for Social Protection.

The program also reflects such issues as the complete reform of the external labor migration system, expanding the scope of training in labor professions and foreign languages for citizens traveling abroad, as well as the construction of an additional 1 million housing units to provide the population with affordable housing, providing builders and citizens with affordable and long term loans.

The second goal of the program is "Ensuring sustainable economic growth so that people are satisfied with life." In this direction, tasks have been defined for our state to enter the list of “countries with an upper middle income” with an increase in GDP per capita from the current US$2,200 to US$4,000, join the World Trade Organization, create an Industrial Development Fund, and double the volume of exports from bringing it up to 45 billion dollars.

It is planned to take measures to accelerate the widespread use of renewable energy, in particular, to increase renewable energy sources to 25,000 megawatts, to increase their share in the total capacity from 14% to 40%.

The program also envisages the provision of all settlements with clean drinking water, full coverage of all villages and mahallas with the Internet, and an increase in Internet speed by 10 times.

It also stipulates the issues of increasing the share of the private sector, the consistent continuation of the transfer of monopolistic industries to market principles, the transfer to the private sector of the provision of railway services, the construction and management of roads, gas and electricity, reducing enterprises with a state share by 6 times, as well as increasing the share of the non-state sector in the economy up to 85 percent.

At the same time, it is envisaged to continue work to support entrepreneurs, create favorable conditions for their free activity.

In particular, it is proposed to provide strict guarantees not to increase tax rates on value added, profit, turnover and property for businesses.

The third goal of the program is aimed at “Saving water resources and protecting the environment.” In particular, by 2030, take measures to fully transfer acreage to water-saving technologies, introduce market mechanisms into the industry, and strengthen mechanisms to stimulate the work of farmers and dekhkans who have introduced water-saving technologies.

Also, in the next seven years, forest areas in Aral Sea region will be increased from 1.6 million to 2.3 million hectares, the level of landscaping in the republic will be increased to 30%, requirements will be established for contractors on the presence of a "green zone" and parking spaces during the construction of new residential areas, and 100% coverage of the population with solid domestic waste collection services will be provided.

The fourth goal is "Ensuring the rule of law, organizing public administration in the service of the people." In this regard, measures such as the complete transfer of public services to electronic form, the transfer of some taxes directly to the mahalla are envisaged.

The program includes a number of proposals aimed at ensuring the rule of law, increasing the independence and fairness of the courts. In particular, it includes the following questions:

- establishing the procedure for authorizing restriction of rights in criminal proceedings by individual judges, in order to ensure impartiality and fairness in the investigation;

reducing the practice of “conducting an investigation with detention” in relation to citizens and creating instead the possibility of widespread use of a measure of restraint in the form of “bail”, as well as expanding the possibilities for applying to the courts on this issue;

-expanding alternative types of punishment for becoming in the future on the path of correcting persons who have committed a crime, further liberalizing the criminal liability of entrepreneurs, as well as creating a new system for protecting entrepreneurs in the judicial and investigative process by the Business Ombudsman and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The fifth goal is "New Uzbekistan, a safe and peaceful state." In this direction, it is proposed to bring practical cooperation in Central Asia to a new qualitative level in various areas, including the rational use of water resources, the development of transport corridors, the provision of support to compatriots abroad and the adoption of systemic measures to create the necessary conditions for their active participation in the development of our country. countries.

The program also put forward such initiatives as providing the National Army with the most modern weapons and military equipment until 2030 in order to further increase the power, defense capability and military potential of our Armed Forces.

According to the decision of the congress, UzLiDeP, in accordance with the law, will apply to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a request to register a candidate nominated by the party for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Appropriate decisions were made on all issues discussed at the congress.


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