On the first day, the participants discussed such issues as Internet advertisement and marketing and Mobile Internet, apps and devices.
During the second day, the participants will discuss issues related to web-resources and technologies and applications. The lectures of the blocks are held simultaneously in two rooms. The full agenda of the conference is here.
It is expected that Steffen Ehrhardt, Google Germany Product Specialist, will participate in the event and share information on products of Google.
The organizer said that on 9 December the separate meeting with Steffen Ehrhardt will be held at Poytaht Business Center and he will answer to questions of the participants.
Center for development and introduction of computer and information technologies UZINFOCOM supports the organization of the event.
The general sponsor of the conference is Samsung Electronics, a global leader in production of IT and mobile electronics.
Private closed joint stock commercial bank “Hi-Tech-Bank” is the sponsor of the conference.
The advertisement sponsor of the conference is advertisement-production company “WE”. Polygraph sponsor of the conference is advertisement agency Adpeople.
Partners of the conference are currently IT-agency Brand.uz and Tashkent Advertisement Association, as well as Nokia Siemens Network and Beeline.
Internet mass media such as Infocom.uz, Gazeta.uz, Pr.uz, Afisha.uz, Olam.uz, 12.uz, Uzdaily.uz, Kommersant.uz, Anons.uz, Podrobno.uz, Cibnews.com, Brandnews.uz, Uforum.uz, Fikr.uz, Podrobno.uz, Cibnews.com, websites of UZINFOCOM, , Torg.uz, Zor.uz, Staff.uz, Krasota.uz, Resume.uz, Bomond.uz, Ilmli.uz, Poputi.uz, 7x7.uz, Taraqqiyot Television and Radio Station, and print mass media such as InfoCOM, Economic Review, ICTNEWS and Today are information partners.