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Finance 01/08/2022 State Statistics Committee: the average level of prices in the consumer market fell by 0.1%
State Statistics Committee: the average level of prices in the consumer market fell by 0.1%

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- In July 2022, the average price level in the consumer market in Uzbekistan decreased by 0.1%. It was reported by the State Statistics Committee.

In the first seven months of 2022, the increase in prices in the consumer sector reached 6.4%, with a monthly average of 0.9%.

In annual terms (relative to July 2021), the increase in consumer prices amounted to 12.3%.

The leader in monthly price growth in July 2022 was non-food products, which rose in price by 0.9% on average per month. Services for the month increased in price by 0.3%.

The seasonal factor has become a key factor in determining the dynamics of prices for food products, which have become cheaper by 1.0% over the month.

Despite the decline in prices in July this year, food products retain their leadership in price growth relative to the end of 2021. Since the beginning of this year, they have risen in price by 7.7%.

This is followed by non-food products, which have become more expensive by 6.7% over the specified period. The increase in prices for paid services to the population amounted to 3.5%.

In July 2022, food prices rose more than others in annual terms. Compared to July last year, they increased in price by 16.3%.

Non-food products and paid services for the same period became more expensive by 11.1% and 6.9%, respectively.

The increase in consumer prices for food products in January-July 2022 was 3 points higher than in the same period in 2021, and 2.8 points higher than in January-July 2020, becoming the highest indicator for this period of the last three years.

The annual CPI for food products in July 2022 was 1.2 points higher than in July 2021 and 2.7 points lower than in July 2020.

The comparison showed that the short-term CPI for non-food items in July 2022 was 0.4 points higher than in July 2021 and 2020.

The increase in consumer prices for non-food products in January-July 2022 was 3.1 points higher than in the corresponding period of 2021, and 2.6 points higher than in January-July 2020, remaining the highest indicator for this period in the last three years.

The annual CPI in this group for July 2022 was 2.8 points higher than in July 2021 and 1.7 points higher than the same indicator for July 2020.

The short-term CPI for services for July 2022 was 0.1 points higher than in July 2021 and 0.1 points lower than in July 2020.

The increase in consumer prices and tariffs for services in January-July 2022 was the lowest indicator for the analyzed period of the last three years and was 0.8 and 0.1 points lower than in the corresponding periods of 2021 and 2020.

The annual CPI for paid services for July 2022 was also the lowest indicator for this month in the last three years.

Summer is traditionally the season for harvesting and saturating the market with fruits and vegetables, which is manifested in a decrease in the average level of prices for goods in this group and, as a result, the short-term CPI for food products is fixed at below 100%. This, as a rule, entails a decrease in the summary indicator in the short term.

Thus, due to the decrease in prices for food products, the consolidated CPI in July of this year fell by 0.45 percentage points over the month.

At the same time, the inflationary contribution of non-food products reached 0.31 percentage points, which is significantly higher than in July 2021 and 2020. The impact of price changes on services was less significant and amounted to 0.06 p.p.

Due to the growth in food prices, the consolidated CPI for July 2022 compared to December 2021 increased by 3.27 p.p., non-food products - by 2.34 p.p., services - by 0.81 p.p. The share of food products accounted for 50.9%, non-food products - 36.5%, services - 12.6% of the total impact of observed goods and services.

It is noteworthy that in January-July 2021 and 2020, the contribution of food and non-food products was significantly lower, while the contribution of price changes for services was close to the level of July this year.

The structure of the annual consolidated CPI for July 2022 also clearly showed the dominance of food inflation. Due to the increase in food prices, the consolidated CPI in annual terms for July 2022 increased by 6.88 percentage points, which is just under 56% of the total increase.

Non-food items accounted for 3.85 p.p. (31.3%), services - 1.59 p.p. (12.9%).

It is noteworthy that in the structure of the consolidated CPI in annual terms for July 2022, compared with the same indicators for July 2021 and 2020, the share of non-food products increased (31.3% against 25.9% and 22.7%), the share of services, on the contrary, became significantly lower (12.9% versus 16.5% and 20.9%).

Food and non-alcoholic beverages in July of this year became cheaper by 1.1% over the month, having a decisive impact on the current consolidated CPI. Section XII became the leaders in price growth among sections of COICOP RUz 2018 "Insurance and financial services" (2.9%), as well as VII. "Transport" (2.2%).

Compared to December 2021, prices increased more than others in sections XI. "Restaurants and hotel services" (9.7%) and IX. "Recreation, sports and culture" (9.4%).

Restaurant services and hotel services (18.6%) remain the leaders in terms of price growth in annual terms.

In July 2022, a seasonal decrease in prices for fruits and vegetables was recorded products. Thus, fruits and nuts became cheaper by 14.2% over the month, vegetables, tubers and legumes - by 1.7%.

A decrease in prices over the month was also noted in the group "Milk, dairy products and eggs" (-0.9%), which is associated with a seasonal decrease in prices for fresh milk and eggs.

As for price growth, the most significant in July this year it was in the groups "Sugar, confectionery and desserts" (1.3%), "Cereals and cereals", as well as "Meat products" (1.0 each). %).

Among the groups of food and non-alcoholic beverages in terms of price growth in January-July 2022, grain crops and cereals are leading (22.4%). This is followed by sugar, confectionery and desserts (20.0%). The top three is closed by oil and fat products (10.0%). The decrease in prices during this period was noted only for fruits and vegetables, due to the influence of seasonality.

In July 2022, the leading positions in terms of price growth in annual terms among the groups of section I. "Food and non-alcoholic beverages" were occupied by cereals and cereals, sugar, confectionery and desserts (28.4% each), vegetables, tubers and legumes (18.7%), as well as dairy products and eggs (14.9%).

Of the main food products (excluding fruits and vegetables), a two-percentage price increase for the month in July 2022 was overcome by long-grain rice (2.8%), refined sugar (2.6%), rice chaff (2.4%) and sugar- sand (2.3%). The decrease in prices was recorded for eggs (-5.0%), fresh milk (-1.3%), as well as for poultry meat (by 0.2-0.6%).

The leading positions in price growth relative to the end of 2021 belong to granulated sugar and bread made from wheat flour of the 1st grade (1.5 times). The same goods are leading in terms of price growth in annual terms (by 1.6 times).

The seasonal factor continues to have a decisive influence on the decline in the average level of prices for fruits and vegetables. In July 2022, eggplant (2 times), bell peppers (-37.7%) and tomatoes (-35.6%) fell in price more than others over the month. Onion has become the leader in terms of price growth over the month, having risen in price by 1.4 times in July this year.

In July 2022, compared to December 2021, prices decreased most significantly for cucumbers (-64.2%) and tomatoes (-62.4%), as well as eggplants (-60.5%). Onions became the leader in price growth in January-July 2022, having become 2.1 times more expensive compared to the end of last year.

Despite the seasonal decline, the level of prices for fruits and vegetables in July 2022 remains higher than in July last year.

The leadership in terms of price growth in annual terms belongs to onions (by 3.3 times), in terms of price reduction - to carrots (-37.1%).

As noted, the decline in the short-term consolidated CPI in July this year is due to the influence of the seasonal factor. Due to the decrease in prices for fruits and vegetables, the consolidated indicator fell by 0.69 percentage points.

Dairy products and eggs also became cheaper than in the previous month, which lowered the composite CPI by another 0.04 percentage points.

The increase in prices for grain crops and cereals, meat and fat products, sugar, confectionery and desserts led to an increase in the consolidated CPI by 0.24 percentage points.

The increase in prices for goods of other groups included in the section increased the consolidated indicator for the month by 0.03 percentage points in total.

One of the key inflationary factors that influenced the growth of the consolidated indicator for January-July 2022 was the increase in prices for grain crops and cereal products. Thus, according to calculations, due to the increase in prices for goods in this group, the consolidated CPI for January-July 2022 increased by 1.83 p.p.

A significant contribution was made by price changes for sugar, confectionery and desserts (+0.57 p.p.), meat (+0.37 p.p.) and oil and fat (+0.30 p.p.) products.

The decline in prices for fruits and vegetables had a restraining effect on the composite indicator, allowing it to drop by 0.46 percentage points.

The leader in terms of contribution to the growth of the consolidated CPI in annual terms for July 2022 from the main groups of section I. “Food and non-alcoholic beverages”, as a month earlier, remains price changes for grain crops and cereal products. Due to the increase in prices for goods in this group, the consolidated CPI in annual terms increased by 2.33 percentage points. (35.8% of the total impact of rising prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages).

In July 2022, alcoholic beverages became more expensive by 0.4% over the month, including beer - by 0.6%, cognac - by 0.5%, vodka and wine - by 0.3%. Tobacco products rose in price by 0.3% over the month, including cigarettes - by 0.2%, other tobacco products - by 0.5%.

Compared to December 2021, alcoholic beverages increased in price by 5.0%, including vodka - by 5.7%, beer - by 4.6%, wine - by 3.6%, cognac - by 2.8% . Since the beginning of 2022, tobacco products have become more expensive by 4.6%, including cigarettes - by 4.3%, other tobacco products - by 5.3%.

In annual terms, alcoholic beverages are leading in terms of price growth (10.7%), while tobacco products have become more expensive by 6.9%.

In July 2022, materials and services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises became more expensive for the month, respectively, by 0.9% and 0.5%. Tariffs for the main types of communal services remained at the level of the previous month, with the exception of the fee for garbage collection, which, due to its increase in Kashkadarya region by 7.0%, increased by an average of 0.7% in the republic.

The leaders in price growth both in January-July 2022 and in annual terms were services for the maintenance, repair and protection of residential premises (price growth, respectively, by 7.4% and 13.5%).

Of the main observed groups of goods and services in the health sector in July 2022, medical devices for personal use (1.5%), medical diagnostic products (1.2%) and auxiliary products for vision (1, one%).

The leaders in price growth for the seven months of 2022 were dental services (11.2%), which also hold the lead in price growth in annual terms (16.4%).

In the "Transport" section, propane for cars (13.2%) and gasoline (11.3%) rose in price more than others in July this year. Along with this, a decrease in prices for air travel was recorded according to the observed local messages (-3.9%), which is associated with the strengthening of the national currency.

Relative to December last year, propane for motor transport increased most significantly (1.2 times), and the most significant decrease was noted for air transport services (-6.5%).

The leadership in terms of price growth in annual terms belongs to gasoline and propane for vehicles (1.4 times).

In July 2022, in the “Information and Communications” section, prices for various types of information and communication equipment for the month increased in the range from 0.1% to 0.6%.

Complex telecommunications services went up by 0.7%, services for the repair of information and communication equipment - by 0.6%.

In terms of price growth, both relative to the end of last year and in annual terms, services for the repair of information and communication equipment are leading (price growth, respectively, by 7.4% and 15.8%).

With a significant margin in terms of price growth per month, services for the organization of complex recreation are leading in this section.

Thus, the cost of tourist trips on average in the republic in July of this year increased by 6.6%. The cost of tourist trips increased only in the Samarkand region (1.7 times).

Of the goods and services included in the section, A4 paper remains the leader in terms of price growth both against the level of December and July of last year. During these periods, it has risen in price by a little less than 2 times.

In the field of preschool and higher education, the price situation during July of this year was stable. The increase in prices was recorded only in the field of education, not subdivided by stage, where tuition fees for courses per month increased by 0.4%, tutor services increased in price by 0.3%.

Course services are leaders both in terms of price growth in the first seven months of this year (5.8%) and in annual terms (15.1%).

Ready-made food in cafes, canteens and fast-food establishments in July of this year has risen in price within 0.7-1.1%. Hotel services have risen in price only by 0.1%, the cost of services of recreation centers remained at the level of the previous month.

Leadership in price growth compared to the end of last year is held by the services of recreation centers and similar hotel services (15.3%).

In annual terms, services of fast food establishments have risen in price more than others (by 1.2 times).

The cost of insurance services in July this year did not change both monthly and in annual terms.

Of the financial services, in July of this year, services related to money transfers through electronic payment systems increased most significantly (14.0%). Banking services became more expensive by 4.6% over the month, the fee for money transfers, on the contrary, became lower by 0.2%.

Since the beginning of 2022, the fee for money transfer services through electronic payment systems has increased by 17.7%, services of banking institutions - by 9.5%, money transfers - by 1.0%.

Leadership in price growth in annual terms belongs to money transfer services through electronic payment systems (17.7%).

In July 2022, among the goods and services in this section, hairdressing services (1.0%) became the leaders in terms of price growth for the month.

Since the beginning of the current year, the highest increase in prices has been noted for photocopying services (23.5%). The same type of service is leading in terms of price growth in annual terms (34.2%).

Section I, Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages, maintains its lead in terms of impact on both the short-term composite CPI and long-term indicators through December and July 2021.


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