The seminars titled “Arbitration Courts in Uzbekistan: practical aspects of activity and development perspectives of arbitration proceeding among entrepreneurs” are a part of the series planned to be held in all regions of Uzbekistan as a part of awareness raising campaign.
Over 60 participants discussed possible use of the arbitration system in future claims as well as current trends in arbitration, including procedures of the arbitration courts and selection of arbitrators. They have exchanged recommendations on arbitration clauses and ways of dispute settlement among entrepreneurs.
The Arbitration Development Center, established with UNDP’s assistance in 2008 under CCI Uzbekistan, worked out new the methodology of arbitrators attestation and a unified system of document circulation in all regional arbitration courts.
The seminar is part of the project “Supporting development of arbitration courts and other alternative methods of dispute settlement in the Republic of Uzbekistan” implemented by UNDP and CCI Uzbekistan.