Lola Karimova-Tillaeva said: “We are considering ways of supply of gathered humanitarian cargo to Osh and Jalalabad. We are holding negotiations with international organizations on this issue.” She said the talks are held also with International Society of Red Crescent.
Sen Yolg'iz Emassan Foundation organized humanitarian reception point on 17 June to meet demands of Kyrgyz refugees, who fled violence in southern Kyrgyzstan. Thousands of people made their contribution.
The foundation sent 12 tucks of humanitarian aid on 20 June. The cargo included foods, medicaments, hygienic means, clothes and others. About 20 volunteers helped to distribute aid to refugees.
Earlier, Sen Yolg'iz Emassan Foundation also sent 120 tonnes of food, water, medicaments and blankets. Overall, the fund rendered about 300 tonnes of humanitarian relief to Kyrgyz refugees.