The company said consumers can find their prizes under the cover of promo glass bottles or PET bottles of Sarbast Original or Sarbast Extra. Among prizes are rucksacks, watches, T-shirts, bracelets, beer mugs and many free beers.
Shakhruh Nizamuddinov, Sarbast brand manager, said: “Chance for a million” is the first national programme of encouragement of Sarbast consumers. The programme is aimed at giving opportunity to consumers to win many prizes, among which are money prizes and the main prize is 10 million soums.”
Carlsberg Uzbekistan said the prizes will be handed over till 31 January 2010. The prizes can be received at points in largest cities of Uzbekistan.
Carlsberg Uzbekistan brewery was commissioned in autumn 2007. Its capacity is 100 million liters of beer a year or 200 million glass bottles of beer with the capacity of 0.5 l. The brewery produces now beer under such brands as Sarbast® Original, Sarbast® Extra, Sarbast® Special, Tuborg Green, Baltika No. 3 Classic and Baltika no. 9 Strong.