The main objective of the round table organized by the National Human Rights Center of Uzbekistan together with UNDP was to discuss strategies for implementation of the National Action Plan on UPR.
On 11 December 2008 in Geneva, the Working group of The UN Human Rights Council discussed the National Report of Uzbekistan within the UPR framework. The Working group reviewed the policy of in promotion of human rights and provided recommendation for improvement of human rights situation in the country.
On 20 March 2009, the UN Human Rights Council adopted decision No. 10/115 that approved the report of the Working group on . On 30 April 2009, UNDP and the National Human Rights Center held a round table to discuss the follow-up; one of the outputs of the round table was recommendation to draft the National Action Plan on UPR. On 21 August 2009, the Inter-agency working group for monitoring law-enforcement bodies’ adherence to human rights adopted the National Action Plan for 2009-2011 on implementation of recommendations by the UN Human Rights Council as the follow-up to ’s report within UPR framework.
The National Action Plan has addressed 29 recommendation of the Human Rights Council. It foresees 89 activities as well as dates and implementing agencies that include 50 state agencies and civil society organizations as well as amass media. The National Action Plan was published in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages.
Participants of the round table discussed the role of the national human rights institutions, judiciary, law -enforcement and civil society in implementing the National Action Plan. Among others, the following issues were discussed: