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Uzbekistan 29/05/2007 President decrees on measures to encourage young families

The President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree "On additional measures of financial and moral encouragement of young families" on 18 May.

The document directed to render help to young families at entering an independent life, creation of stable sources of incomes, improvements of housing and conditions of life.

The decree defines that the major tasks of the state agencies on places, self-controlling organs of citizens, commercial banks, "Kamolot" youth movement, the republican center of spirituality, "Makhalla" fund, the "Oila" center, are to consider the creation of conditions for formation of stable sources of income of young families, their active attraction in small business and entrepreneurship, including allocation of micro-credits for the organization of own business and development of home-working.

Priority directions of the work should also become all-round support in purchase or construction of lodging, arrangement of housekeeping by granting mortgage and consumer credits, rendering the practical help in the decision of social and economic problems, granting of qualitative educational, medical, legal, consultative and other services, including on securing health protection and children upbringing.

In 2007 commercial banks of Uzbekistan envisage to allocate 50 billion soums to young families on favorable terms in the form of mortgage, consumer credits and micro credits. These funds are intended for the organization of small business and private enterprises, construction, reconstruction, purchase and hiring of accessible lodging, and also arrangement of housekeeping, purchase of furniture and other vital goods for long time usage.

According to the decree, in the taxable income of individuals, members of young families, do not include the sum of incomes, which directed to repayment of mortgages credits and interests.

Besides this the right to reduce taxable base is given to managing subjects at calculation of the income tax or uniform tax payment for the sum of the means directed gratuitously on entering of payments under mortgage credits and (or) purchase of habitation in the property to the workers among young families, but no more than 10 percent from taxable base.

Big attention in the document is also given to measures on strengthening of encouragement of young families, educating in them feeling of pride and the responsibility for the created family, the valid attitude to parents and people of the senior generation, aspiration to work and bring up children according to not passing cultural wealth of Uzbek people.

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