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Uzbekistan 06/08/2021 Green Agenda is not a trend, but an urgent need
Green Agenda is not a trend, but an urgent need

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- At the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia held on August 6 in the Turkmen Avaza, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to develop a regional program "Green Agenda" for the countries of Central Asia.

The adoption of such a comprehensive document is a very important and urgent task for the states of the region, given the fact that all Central Asian countries have faced the negative consequences of global climate change and are interested in mitigating it.

As part of the obligations under the Paris Agreement (2015), each state is implementing its national plans for adaptation to climate change. At the same time, until now the countries of Central Asia do not have a unified, coordinated action program aimed at jointly solving such regional challenges as a decrease in the flow of transboundary rivers and associated droughts, an increase in greenhouse gases and air pollution, a decrease in biodiversity, desertification, floods, floods, glacier melting and other environmental problems.

One of the most important and most promising areas of work designed to help address such challenges both for an individual country in the region and for Central Asia as a whole is the widespread introduction of green technologies and the implementation of projects in the field of green energy.

This topic was repeatedly sounded by the Leader of Uzbekistan. The last time Shavkata Mirziyoyev spoke about this was at the second international summit "Partnership for Green Growth and Global Goals - 2030" (P4G), which was held in Seoul at the end of May this year. In the same place, he urged the forum participants to continue active joint work in this direction, including within the framework of the UN Trust Fund, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), created at the initiative of Uzbekistan, on the platform of the P4G partnership and other international institutions.

It should be noted that one of the greatest achievements of the states of the region aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of Central Asia is the adoption in the first half of this year of a special resolution of the UN General Assembly on declaring the Aral Sea region a zone of environmental innovations and technologies. This document was co-authored by all Central Asian countries.

Issues related to the transition of the economy to a "green" track are the best alternative to the existing order of things. The main effective measures are seen as a widespread increase in the share of renewable energy sources and a consistent rejection of traditional types of raw materials. Real steps in this direction can help to overcome the consequences of climate change, ensure "green" recovery and carbon neutrality, which fully fits into the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the provisions of the Paris Agreement on climate.

No matter how difficult it is to resolve these issues, the countries of Central Asia need to move in this direction. The development and adoption of the "Green Agenda" at the regional level will allow coordinating joint efforts of states in the issue of adaptation and mitigation of the consequences of climate change.

It seems that this document should provide for such tasks as: creation of a database of climatic and hydrological information; joint management of natural risks and natural disasters; integration of national programs for a "green", low-carbon and resource-saving economy; attraction and implementation of modern green and digital solutions; development and implementation of joint projects; strengthening the research base and training highly qualified personnel, etc.

Discussion and search for ways to resolve these issues, the adoption of verified and effective measures in the widespread introduction of "green" technologies, as well as the consolidation of the efforts of the Central Asian states in this direction are undoubtedly the way to stability and sustainability of the region.

Undoubtedly, this initiative will be supported by all the states of Central Asia, which act from a unified position on most topical issues of the regional agenda and how Uzbekistan is interested in the development of the region.

Sherzod Fayziev - Head of Department of the International Institute of Central Asia


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