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Uzbekistan 25/09/2018 El-Yurt Umidi Foundation to train specialists abroad
El-Yurt Umidi Foundation to train specialists abroad

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Uzbekistan created El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Cabinet of Minister of Uzbekistan, which will direct its efforts to train specialists abroad, Deputy Prime Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov said.

The Foundation was created through the transformation of the Center for Training of Specialists Abroad and Dialogue with Compatriots under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is the successor of the Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Istedod" to organize further training, internships and training of fellows abroad.

The Foundation’s main objectives are:

  • establishment of relations with compatriots who have valuable scientific and practical experience, working in prestigious foreign research, educational and medical institutions, promising sectors of the economy, especially in the production and application of innovative technologies;
  • creation and maintenance of an electronic register (database) of compatriots with valuable scientific and practical experience, cataloged by countries of the world and specialties, with the possibility of access and online search by the personnel services of state bodies;
  • development of proposals and implementation of measures to attract foreign scientists, teachers, engineers and other specialists, including compatriots, to education, health, economy and public administration, especially in new, promising sectors, creating favorable conditions for them, solving pressing problems , ensuring effective use of their potential;
  • formation of a positive image of Uzbekistan among compatriots working in the fields of education, health and economy, collecting, summarizing and bringing to their respective organizations their ideas and opinions on the development of economic and social sectors in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as creating an effective system for the preparation and dissemination of collected materials;
  • active use of the potential of compatriots in the formation and support of a positive image of Uzbekistan abroad, as well as in the consistent establishment of ties and the development of cooperation with prestigious educational and scientific centers of the developed countries of the world, international organizations;
  • selection and organization of training programs for masters and doctoral studies, as well as training and internships for prospective specialists in the fields of education, health, economics and public administration, including teachers and researchers in leading educational and scientific institutions in developed countries;
  • monitoring the training of prospective specialists in prestigious foreign educational and scientific institutions, assisting them with decent employment in Uzbekistan, monitoring the work of these professionals, promoting their professional and career growth;
  • preparation and wide circulation of journals, scientific collections with analytical materials, both domestic and foreign experts, including compatriots, regarding the progress of socio-political and socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan;
  • monitoring of the state of affairs in state bodies and other organizations and elaborating proposals for improving the system of training personnel abroad and attracting foreign specialists;
  • establishment of ties and attraction of international organizations, state structures of foreign countries and non-governmental organizations to the implementation of projects on cooperation and development in the spheres of education, health, economy and public administration.

Scholars who have studied abroad with the financial assistance of the Foundation will have to work for a period defined in the contract concluded with the grantor in a higher educational or scientific institution, as well as in ministries, departments and other state organizations

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