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Economy 05/11/2014 Angren Pipe Plant starts exports of copper pipes
Angren Pipe Plant starts exports of copper pipes
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Angren Pipe Plant of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Combine exported first batch of its products to abroad.

According to the press service of AGMK, Angren Pipe Plant sent first batch of copper pipes to Russia and Turkey in late October.

Swiss firm bought experimental party to check if the products meet needs of the company.

Angren Pipe Plant is holding talks with foreign companies on realization of its products to abroad, AGMK added.

AGMK completed construction of Angren Pipe Plant in the end of 2013. The plant produces copper pipes with the diameter from 4.5 mm to 50 mm. About 90% of products will be exported.

The project cost was US$35.48 million. The project was financed due to own resources of AGMK for US$10.28 million and loans of Ipoteka Bank for US$12.27 million in foreign currency and US$12.93 million in national currency.

Within the project, Jiangsu Xingrong High Tech Co., Ltd (China) supplied and installed technologic equipment for US$9.67 million.

TOSHELECTROAPPARAT produced and supplied electrotechnical equipment and conducted installation works worth US$3.79 million.

The UAE-based SAM Building Contracting LLC supplied metallic and wall construction of production building and equipment for them, as well as installation works for US$5.57 million.

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