O‘zsuvta’minot’s 2024 achievements: Breakthroughs in Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation
Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) — A press conference was held at JSC O‘zsuvta’minot to summarize the company's performance in 2024 and discuss measures to improve drinking water supply and wastewater management. The company’s leadership presented a report on the achievements, implemented projects, and future development plans.
As a result of efforts in centralized drinking water supply, the percentage of the population with access to quality drinking water increased from 77.4% to 80.9% this year.
In particular, as part of state-targeted programs, 454 infrastructure projects were implemented to improve water supply and sanitation services. This included the construction of 1,817 km of water pipelines and 294 km of sewerage networks, along with the construction and renovation of 243 water supply and wastewater facilities.
Key Projects
Under the "Improving Drinking Water Supply Using Tupolang Reservoir Water" initiative, 1.8 trillion soums were invested. This enabled the construction of 153 km of networks, improving water supply quality for 156,000 residents in the Sariosiyo, Denau, Shurchi, and Kumkurgan districts.
Significant progress was also made under projects financed by international financial institutions. In line with the 2024 Investment Program, 22 projects were implemented, leading to the installation of 525 km of water pipelines and the construction of 14 major water facilities.
Thanks to the comprehensive measures undertaken in 2024, 1.1 million people in over 1,700 mahallas gained access to centralized water supply for the first time, while 2.9 million citizens experienced improved drinking water services.
In 1,134 settlements lacking centralized water supply, 214 units of specialized water supply equipment and 1,112 private and corporate vehicles are used for water distribution. Notably, Andijan and Khorezm regions achieved a water supply coverage level of 92%.
Alternative Energy Initiatives
As part of efforts to develop alternative energy, the company planned the installation of solar panels with a total capacity of 66.2 MW. To date, solar panels with a capacity of 1,834 kW have been installed on 113 buildings and facilities, resulting in energy savings of 1.3 million kWh, equivalent to 1.2 billion soums.
Breakdown of installed solar panels:
Toshkent Suv Ta’minoti: 1,221 kW across 30 facilities
Toshkent Shahar Suv Ta’minoti: 140 kW across 2 facilities
Qoraqalpoq Suv Ta’minoti: 170 kW across 34 facilities
Sirdaryo Suv Ta’minoti: 100 kW across 12 facilities
Samarqand Suv Ta’minoti: 90 kW across 20 facilities
Other regions (Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Khorezm): 108.5 kW
Additionally, an 8 billion soum investment from the local budget is funding the construction of a 1 MW solar power plant at the Nukus city water treatment facility.
In 2024, 561 energy-efficient pumps were installed, and 1,186 outdated pumps were replaced with modern ones, leading to annual energy savings of 49.8 million kWh.
Water Quality and Digital Transformation
The number of drinking water quality tests increased from 2.9 million to 3 million, reflecting a 9% rise.
To enhance service quality and transparency, the Uzwater unified billing system was upgraded and integrated with various organizations. The share of consumers making online payments increased from 15% in 2020 to 84% in 2024. To improve efficiency and reduce corruption risks, a digital KPI system was introduced, eliminating human intervention. The performance of 2,500 inspectors is now assessed using this system.
Additionally, the SuvniAsra system was launched to handle water supply-related inquiries more efficiently. This includes a mobile application enabling citizens to submit requests from anywhere in the country, as well as a Telegram bot (@suvmuammobot).
The Unified Call Center (1255), operating 24/7, received 137,100 inquiries between January and December 2024, of which 87% were successfully resolved, while 13% remain under review.
To improve public communication, the company launched the "Suvta’minot | Water Supply" Telegram chat (uzsuv_chat) and a dedicated anti-corruption Telegram bot (@uzsuvanticorruptionbot) for reporting corruption cases in the sector.
Future Goals
At the conclusion of the press conference, key priorities for the upcoming period were outlined, including the continued rational use of water resources and further improvements in energy efficiency within the water supply systems.