Largest number of enterprises and organizations were registered in trade and catering (26.3% from total number of registered enterprises), agriculture (without farm entities – 22.8%), industry (11.6%) and construction (7.9%).
Share of non-state ownership in total registered enterprises made up 92.7%, of which 54.3% - farm entities and dehkans, 20.8% - private enterprises, 0.9% - enterprises with foreign capital and 0.3% - joint-stock companies, while 16.4% - other enterprises.
About 45,700 enterprises and organizations were registered in Uzbekistan in 2009, of which 16.1% in Tashkent city, 10.6% in Kashkadarya region, 9.3% in Ferghana region and 8.4% in Andijan region.
Largest newly registered enterprises operate in agriculture (24.5%), trade and catering (26.1%) and industry (14.9%).
Number of liquidated enterprises made up 27,000 in the reporting period, including 4,200 enterprises closed on voluntary bases. Largest share of liquidated enterprises fell to Tashkent city (16.9% from total liquidated enterprises in Uzbekistan), Surkhandarya region (10.5%), Ferghana region (9.5%), Bukhara region (9.3%), Namangan region (8.8%) and Karakalpakstan (9%).
About 31.9% of closed enterprises worked in trade and catering, 28.8% in agriculture and 13.4% in industry.