Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) -- The Government adopted the Resolution “On approval of the list of objects of state property in the field of culture and art, transferred on the basis of public-private partnership” (№ 30, January 20, 2021).
The resolution approved the list of 172 state property objects transferred on the basis of public-private partnership.
Moreover, it was established that the implementation of the following projects is prohibited without the consent of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Agency "Uzbekkino":
privatization of immovable objects of cinemas, cultural centers, parks of culture and recreation, theaters, children's music and art schools that are part of their system;
withdrawal of land plots located within the territory to the reserve of local khokimiyats.
These types of objects are transferred on the basis of a public-private partnership with the condition that they retain their type of activity in the field of culture and art.
At the same time, in order to create additional conditions, initiators are allowed to engage in activities close to the sphere of culture and art:
● provision of services;
● small production;
● commerce.