At the same time, number of fixed Internet users reached 3.57 million and mobile Internet subscribers – 4.327 million soums. So, 277 out of 1000 citizens have access to internet.
According to UzACI, number of enterprises, rendering data transfer and Internet services, reached 939 and number of collective internet use – 1,032.
Total speed of internet reached 3.75Gbps, which grew by 98.4% compared to the same period of 2010, the UzACI said. The cost of international channel decreased 1.34 times compared by the beginning of 2011, which cut Internet prices for population by 22%.
Number of domains, registered at UZ zone, currently exceeded 12,800, the agency said.
The agency said that 776.1 km of planned 950 km of optic fibers were laid in the past period of 2011.