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World 01/04/2024 Nuclear technology to help “print” human blood vessels and organs
Nuclear technology to help “print” human blood vessels and organs

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- The State Corporation "Rosatom" presented at the international forum "ATOMEXPO-2024" (held on the Federal Territory "Sirius", Sochi) bioprinting technology, which allows to create vessels for the human body.

Nuclear medicine plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological, cardiac, rheumatological, neurological and endocrine diseases. To develop this area of technology, the Rosatom Health Technologies company was created, which combines the expertise of the Rosatom State Corporation in the field of medicine. This division is developing in several directions: production and supply of isotope products, equipment for diagnostics and therapy, integrated solutions for medicine and solutions for processing products with ionizing radiation.

Rosatom scientists are developing a set of innovative devices for bioprinting that will make it possible to make a breakthrough in transplantology: the technology allows the formation of living tissues from the patient’s own cells. In particular, at the ATOMEXPO-2024 forum, experts demonstrated magnetoacoustic bioprinting technology.

This technology makes it possible to create vessels from patient biomaterials. Using a bioprinter that uses magnetic and acoustic fields, as well as the patient’s cells, a structure is created that matches the shape of a blood vessel.

This structure is then placed in a bioreactor, which gives it the final characteristics - both biochemical and biomechanical - necessary for normal functioning in the human body.

After the vessel has been subjected to physical and hormonal influences, it acquires all the biological characteristics necessary for transplantation.

A blood vessel grown from the patient’s own cells will not be rejected by the body, which is especially important in pediatric transplantology.

It should be noted that the bioreactor uses quality control technologies. In real time, you can monitor the development of mechanical and other properties of the tissue.

Experience in creating individual vessels will allow us to move on to the next stage - growing complex branching systems such as organs, including the thyroid gland, kidneys, liver and others.

It is known that Rosatom scientists have now managed to grow the equivalent of a blood vessel 2 cm long. By the end of the year, they plan to “grow” vessels up to 10 cm long and conduct comprehensive tests.

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