Participants of the event underlined that systematic and gradual measures on development of multi-party system and parliamentarism, other self-governing institutes are adopted in Uzbekistan within further deepening democratic reforms and formation of strong civil society in the country.
In context of strengthening of multi-party system and development of parliamentarism, parties should promote their goals, as well as explain their positions and interests to various groups. It was noted that the parties and their publications should boost their activities to solve priority tasks of the Concept on further deepening democratic reforms and forming civil society in the country.
During the workshop, participants noted that the parties should use modern methods of working with voters and various political technologies, as well as transform party publications to political and public tribune for holding open inter-parliamentary discussions and constructive dialogue.
The workshop included interactive lessons and master classes on role and place of party publications in mass media of Uzbekistan, propaganda in mass media, preparing journalistic investigations, covering parliamentarism, etc. They also discussed newspaper layouts, development of websites of party newspapers, structure and elements of PR-campaigns, political advertisement, and others.
The workshop participants considered such issues as impact to auditory, assessment of efficiency of party publications, coverage of parliamentary events, holding political discussions in mass media, use of PR-technologies and development of media plans, etc.
The participants developed proposals and recommendations.