According to the company, number of existing insurance agreement made up 163,163 units in 2010.
The company collected 9.317 billion soums of insurance premiums in 2010, which is 9% more.
Regional divisions of the company collected insurance premiums worth 2.705 billion soums. Main part of insurance portfolio of regional network fell to share of mandatory insurance. Share of regional network in total insurance premium reached 30% in 2010.
The company said that the volume of insurance payout on approved insurance cased reached 1.525 billion soums against 1.14 billion soums in 2009.
Net income of the company made up 5.376 billion soums in 2010, while prime cost reached 3.704 billion soums. Gross income comprised 1.672 billion soums in the reporting period.
The company’s expenses exceeded 2.463 billion soums in 2010. Other income from main activity reached 39.282 billion soums. Loss from main activity made up 751.769 million soums. Income from financial activity comprised 1.001 billion soums in 2010, while expenses from financial activity – 151.4 million soums.
The assets of Alfa Invest grew 1.3 times and made up 16.086 billion soums in 2010. Own capital with insurance reserves rose 1.25 times to 13.8 billion soums. The charter capital made up 6.35 billion soums.