As of 19 October, Muruvvat-teks’ cotton growing farms had exceeded their supply quotas and released 21,100 tonnes to cotton stations of Uzbekistan, though contractual state quota for release was 20,737 tonnes.
As in previous years, there was not a single child working in Muruvvat-teks’ fields (child labor was not used during harvesting). About 1,500 Muruvvat-teks employees picked cotton in the company’s fields and over 10,000 seasonal workers from such labour-abundant regions as Ferghana valley, Samarqand and Bukhara regions were employed for the harvesting period.
The administration (accommodation, meals, welfare and workplace delivery) of the supplementary workforce was managed in close cooperation with the local authorities.
Muruvvat-teks is currently completing the remaining cotton harvest. Above-target volume is planned at 6,000 tonnes and harvesting is expected to be completed by the mid-November, provided that weather conditions remain favorable.
Muruvvat-teks’ agricultural business include growing cotton, wheat and other crops in the Syrdarya, Jizzakh and Tashkent regions of Uzbekistan.