By launching the Project webpage and uploading useful resources on NAMOCU’s website, the idea is to ensure a long-term sustainability of the website and a sense of ownership among the partners in the long-run. Importantly, instead of creating a separate Project website and facing the issue of sustainability upon the Project completion, it is more feasible to create a webpage on the basis of already established website, with a determined target audience, reach and traffic.
The webpage contains information on the Project’s purpose and mandate, UNDP, planned activities, and most importantly analytical resources and publications, where the visitors can download the best international publications and guidelines in the field, developed by CGAP, Microfinance Centre, and SEEP Network in Russian.
In particular, so far there have been 43 publications uploaded, including donor guidelines, focus notes, occasional papers and microfinance standards on financial reporting, regulation and supervision. It is believed that the website and the available resources will serve as an effective referral point for the local MFIs, and other stakeholders and will introduce international best practices into their activity.