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World 08/09/2020 Media focus on the impact of the Israeli-Emirates peace treaty on the prospects for the creation of a Palestinian state
Media focus on the impact of the Israeli-Emirates peace treaty on the prospects for the creation of a Palestinian state


Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- The deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which marked the beginning of a new stage in the process of normalizing Tel Aviv’s relations with the Arab world and overshadowed the "Palestinian theme", has a subversive effect on the all-Arab front of resistance to the Jewish state.

On 13 August, the UAE became the first Arab country in the Persian Gulf to express its intention to conclude an agreement on the normalization of relations with Israel.

In this regard, the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian armed formations, which have ambiguously perceived the peace treaty and feel themselves "the main losers", were forced to start strengthening regional anti-Israeli alliances from among non-Arab countries.

This explains what took place on 6 September the visit of the leader of the Palestinian group "Hamas" I. Haniya to Lebanon for direct talks with the head of the Hezbollah movement H. Nasrallah and a number of Palestinian groups operating on the territory of this country and opposing the policy of Israel.

The main reason for the personal meetings was the need to discuss plans of the Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel and the Palestinian side’s concern over the US proposal to provide Hezbollah with economic assistance in exchange for a peace agreement with the Jewish side.

Following the meeting, I.Khaniya and H.Nasrallah issued a joint statement in which they noted that "the axis of resistance to the Jewish state remains stable." Thus, the influential Shiite group has underlined its commitment to the Palestinian cause.

At the same time, the Palestinian Authority, headed by President Abbas, is trying to prevent disagreements between various Palestinian movements and, thereby, to build a common national position on the Israeli-Emirates treaty.

For this purpose, on 5 September for the first time in 15 years, an emergency meeting was held, which was attended by the Palestinian leadership and leaders of the Hamas and Fatah groups.

As a result of the meeting, it was possible to reach agreements on the formation of a committee, which within 5 weeks should develop a strategy to overcome the contradictions between the Palestinian factions.

In this vein, they first of all stressed the need to end the conflict between the Fatah movement, which controls the situation in the West Bank of the Jordan River, and Hamas, operating in the Gaza Strip.

The participants also issued a joint statement. It says that "the Palestinians will continue to resist the Israeli occupation policy, various peace plans that do not imply the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, and are ready to use all legal methods of struggle."

Commenting on the desire of the Palestinians to resist the US-Israeli "peace initiatives", observers of most publications (CNN, BBC, Guardian) explain these attempts by concern about the negative impact of the Israeli-Emirati agreements on the prospects for the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

For example, in Palestine, they believe that the agreement between Israel and the UAE, concluded with the mediation of the United States, does not meet the interests of the Palestinians, since it undermines the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which involves the liberation of the Palestinian territories occupied by Tel Aviv during the 1967 war.

This point of view is also shared by the observers of the publication AlJazeera. According to them, as part of the peace deal, the Israeli authorities limited themselves to only taking obligations to postpone indefinitely the plans to annex the West Bank of the Jordan River (30% of Palestinian territory), which were initially considered impracticable.

These promises allowed the UAE to claim that it had “bargained for concessions” for the Palestinians, although in reality the occupation of the land was not canceled, but only postponed. Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu himself made it clear from the outset that he was not going to give up these intentions.

Based on these factors, the experts of the American Carnegie Center call the trilateral agreement (Israel-USA-UAE) a "political theater", which actually does not make any contribution to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis.

This step, presented as a political and diplomatic breakthrough, is likely to lead to the opposite effect: weakening the position of Palestine in the confrontation with Israel.

Al-Monitor explains this assumption by active efforts of the US and Israel to expand the "geography" of the peace deal.

To this end, earlier, US Secretary of State M. Pompeo and adviser to the American President J. Kushner held a series of negotiations with the top officials of Bahrain, Sudan and Oman, who are considered potential candidates for normalizing relations with the Jewish side.

It was these countries, along with Egypt and Mauritania, that had previously reacted positively to the achievement of a peace deal. Against this background, the cautious and extremely controlled press of Saudi Arabia is evaluating the UAE’s move more and more positively.

Moreover, on 2 September, Saudi authorities have allowed their airspace to be used for flights between Israel and the Emirates.

Such tendencies in the system of Arab-Jewish relations cause additional fears of Palestine about the prospects of other Arab states joining the treaty and increasing the split in the Arab world on the Palestinian issue.

In the current situation, according to the Times observers, the Palestinian side will rely on the political and diplomatic support of other influential regional players - Turkey, Iran and Qatar. This, in turn, will lead to an even greater strengthening of the positions of Iran and the Turkish-Qatari "strategic tandem" in the Islamic world.

In this regard, Palestinian President Abbas, who opposes the mediating role of the United States in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, also intends to involve a wide range of world powers (EU, Russia, China) in the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through an international conference with their participation.

On the whole, the Israeli-Emirati peace treaty, which makes serious adjustments to the system of Arab-Jewish relations, runs counter to the interests of Palestine. It clearly demonstrates the predominance of the principles of pragmatism in the politics of the leading countries of the Arab world and undermines the unity of Muslim states on the Palestinian issue.



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