On completion of this stage Israeli experts will participate in a field training in Karakalpakistan. It is a joint project of MASHAV and the German Association on Technical Cooperation (GTZ). From 2nd to 6th of August Israeli experts will train Uzbek specialists on water management and agronomy in Nukus State University, visit 4 districts in order to give practical expertise and advice to local farmers on how to solve problems of salinity, lack of water and increase productivity in the field of agriculture.
Within the framework of another project, from 26 July to 5 August Israeli experts on children development Julia Yael and Irina Kijner, will run a number of trainings, lectures and consultations on defectology and child development malfunctions together with the Uzbek Republican Centre for Social Adaptation of Children in Tashkent and Bukhara.
During their activity Israeli experts will share with Uzbek colleagues their experience and modern methods of working with children suffering from malfunctions of development, check patients and provide a number of consultations.