As of the end of September 2010 the number of citizens, registered through labor agencies as those who are looking for a job, was 28,100 persons against 30,900 persons as of the end of September 2009.
The greatest number of citizens registered through labor agencies as those who are looking for a job was observed in Tashkent city– 3,900 persons (13,8% of the total number of persons registered in labor agencies), Fergana region – 3,600 persons (12,7%), Kashkadarya region – 3,000 persons (10,8%), Andijan region – 2,900 persons (10,4%), Surkhandarya region – 2,400 persons (8,6%).
In January-September 2010, some 479,200 persons were placed in a job with the assistance of labor agencies (88.2% of all applied to labor agencies for employment), which was 2.4%age points more than in January-September 2009.