The second committee considered problems of least developed countries and states, which do not have access to sea. Aytimova drew attention too that landlocked states are cut from many main markets. The cost of goods is rising due to transit prices.
Kazakh envoy said the landlocked countries need special international support and recalled international financial promises to assist such countries, including within initiative “Assistance to Trade”.
Byrganym Aytimova called to liquidate trade barriers, which landlocked countries are facing in international markets. She confirmed adherence of Kazakhstan to Almaty Action Programme, adopted in August 2003 at the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked countries.
Almaty Action Programme is the first global document directed at ensuring special needs of landlocked developing states. The document includes concrete measures and recommendations on policy of transit transportation, development of transport infrastructure, assistance in development to trade. The document envisages financial and technical assistance to landlocked countries.
There are 31 landlocked developing counties; among them are Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.