Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures on effective use of the grant of the Government of Japan for organization of education of Uzbekistan representatives in Japan” on 18 June.
In line with the document, the grant is allocated for organization of education of Uzbekistan representatives in Master courses of leading Japanese universities.
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of Uzbekistan will select candidates for education.
The Cabinet of Ministers entrusted Deputy Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov to sign exchange notes and grant agreement on behalf of the Uzbekistan Government.
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Uzbekistan in cooperation with interested ministries and departments were entrusted to assist in nostrification of education documents and employment of specialists from Uzbekistan, who underwent education in Japan within JICA project.