The event is organized by the Coordination Council for Development of Computerisation and ICT, the Committee on Information and Communication Technologies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, Uzbek Agency for Communication and Informatization (UzACI), United Nations Development Programme in Uzbekistan through ICT Policy Project (ICTP) and Association of IT Companies and Organizations of Uzbekistan.
National Summit of information-communication technologies will open the ICT Week. Participants will consider current state and perspectives of development of ICT in Uzbekistan, problems and achievement in introduction of ICT technologies, e-commerce, etc.
Annual national ICT exhibition - ICTExpo 2009 - will be held in Tashkent and Nukus simultaneously. The organizers said there will be “video bridge” and participants of the exhibition can acquaint with exhibits of each exhibition.
Within the ICT, it is also planned to hold various events, including conference on development of ICT technologies and training specialists, formation of information-library resources, and others.