The organizer of the conference is Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan with technical support from the Central Asia AIDS Control Project and Global Funds HIV Prevention Project in Kazakhstan.
During the two-day conference participants will share experience on implementation of second generation HIV surveillance carried out in the region in the period from 2006 to 2009. The participants will discuss current epidemiological situation on HIV infection, results of routine epidemiological surveillance, as well as response measures, including ART.
The results of the discussions in three group sessions will be used to define further steps on improvement of HIV sentinel surveillance in Central Asia. Resolution is to be adopted upon the conclusion of the conference.
Regional round table on Further promotion of the Regional training and information center on HIV infection epidemiological surveillance will take place on 17 May 2010.
The purpose of carrying out of this round table is to combine efforts of the state and international organizations in further promotion of activities of Regional training and information center on HIV infection epidemiological surveillance (RTC ES), which was established on the basis of the Republican AIDS Prevention and Control Center of MH of RK with the support of the Central Asia AIDS Control Project.
The event will be attended by the members of Board Management of RTC ES: representatives of Ministries of Health of four countries - participants of the Project, heads and specialists of the Republican AIDS Centers and representatives of the international organizations working in the field of organizing HIV sentinel surveillance in Central Asia.
Resolution will be adopted based on the results of round table discussions.