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Finance 01/11/2021 Goods and services in the consumer market increased in price by an average of 1.3%.
Goods and services in the consumer market increased in price by an average of 1.3%.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- In October 2021, goods and services in the consumer market increased in price by an average of 1.3%. Since the beginning of this year, the increase in prices in the consumer sector amounted to 7.3%, in annual terms it reached 10.6%. According to calculations, the average monthly growth of the consolidated CPI for January-October 2021 was 0.7%, the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan said.

The short-term consolidated CPI in October 2021 was 0.1 points lower than in October 2020 and 0.2 points lower than in October 2019. The consolidated CPI in annual terms (to the corresponding month of the previous year) for October 2021 was, respectively, 0.9 and 5.7 points lower than in October 2020 and 2019. The level of this indicator for January-October 2021 (compared to December of the previous year) was 0.5 points lower than in JanuaryOctober 2020, and 4.1 points lower than the same indicator for JanuaryOctober 2019.

The leaders in the growth of prices and tariffs for the month in October 2021 were food products, which increased in price by an average of 1.9% over the month. Non-food products for the same period added in price by 1.1%, paid services to the population - by 0.5%.

In annual terms, food products in October 2021 rose by 14.0%, keeping the lead in price growth among the three main groups. Since October 2020, non-food products have increased in price by 8.0%, services - by 8.4%.

In general, in the first ten months of 2021, food products (8.7%) hold the lead in price growth. Non-food products for the specified period became more expensive by 6.1%, services - by 6.6%.

In October 2021, due to the growth in food prices, the consolidated CPI for the month increased by 0.8 p.p. (against 0.5 percentage points a month earlier), non-food products - by 0.4 percentage points. (versus 0.2 p.p. in September 2021). The growth in tariffs for services added another 0.1 percentage points to the consolidated indicator. (versus 0.4 p.p. in September 2021).

The dominant influence of price changes on food products was also manifested in the structure of the consolidated CPI in annual terms for October 2021. The increase in their prices increased this indicator by 5.9 percentage points (over 55% of the total impact of goods and services). At the same time, compared to last month, there was a decrease in the contribution from both food products and services (by 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points, respectively) and an increase in the impact from nonfood products (by 0.1 percentage points).

The share of the contribution of growth in food prices in the total increase in the consolidated CPI in October of this year reached 50.4% of the total increase in the consolidated CPI (against 47.5% in September this year). Non-food products accounted for 28.8%, services - 20.8% of the total contribution of all goods and services covered by price monitoring.

The increase in the CPI for food products in October this year amounted to 1.9% over the month. This is 0.4 points lower than in October 2020 and 0.9 points lower than in October 2019

The growth in the annual CPI in this group in October 2021 was at the level of 14.0%. This is, respectively, 3.0 and 4.0 points lower than the same indicator for October 2020 and 2019. In general, in the first ten months of 2021, food prices increased by 8.7%, which is 1.3 points lower than in the corresponding period of 2020, and 2.7 points lower than in January-October 2019.

The increase in the CPI for non-food products in October this year amounted to 1.1% for the month. This is the highest indicator for the short-term CPI in the specified group of goods for the period since the beginning of the year. It is, respectively, 0.3 and 0.4 points higher than in October 2020 and 2019.

The growth of the annual CPI in this group in October 2021 reached 8.0%, which is 0.3 points lower than in October last year, and 4.2 points lower than in October 2019. Relative to December 2020, non-food products became more expensive by 6.1%, which is 0.8 points lower than in January-October last year, and 3.4 points lower than in the same period in 2019.

The increase in the CPI for paid services in October this year amounted to 0.5% for the month. This is 0.2 points lower than in October last year, and 0.1 points higher than the same figure for October 2019.

The growth in the annual CPI in this group in October 2021 reached 8.4%, which is 2.3 points higher than in October last year and 11.1 points lower than in October 2019. Since the beginning of 2021, paid services to the population have become more expensive by 6.6%. This is 1.4 points higher than in JanuaryOctober 2020, and 7.6 points lower than in the same period in 2019.

Of the main product groups, the top three in terms of price growth in January-October 2021 included fat and oil products (1.2 times), meat products (11.6%), as well as vegetables, tubers, plantains and legumes (10.2% ). In annual terms, the prices for fat and oil products, vegetables, tubers, plantains and legumes (1.3 times), as well as fruits and nuts (15.4%) rose more than others.

In October 2021, among the main foodstuffs (excluding fruits and vegetables), the prices most significantly increased over the month for eggs (11.2%) and poultry meat (3.6-4.1%). A decrease in prices was noted for rice of all varieties and rice cuts, which on average became cheaper by 0.2% per month.

In relation to December 2020, vegetable oil continues to hold the leading position in terms of price growth (1.3 times). A decrease in prices was recorded for eggs (-3.5%), as well as for rice and rice cuts (-1.5%). In annual terms, inflationary processes were also most clearly manifested in the increase in prices for vegetable oil (1.4 times), and a decrease in prices was recorded for eggs (-1.2%) and rice (-1.0%).

Among fruit and vegetable products, the most significant price increases in just a month were for tomatoes (1.5 times), cabbage (1.4 times), cucumbers and bell peppers (1.3 times). The most noticeable price decline was recorded for carrots (-10.5%). Carrots are the undisputed leader in price growth both from the beginning of the year and in annual terms. Compared to the end of last year, it has become 2.2 times more expensive, compared to October 2020 - 2.1 times. The most significant price reduction to the level of December 2020 was noted for bell peppers (3.2 times) and cucumbers (3.1 times), to the level of October 2020 - for bell peppers (-13.5%) and bananas (- 5.9%).

Food and non-alcoholic beverages in October 2021 was the rise in prices for vegetables, tubers, plantains and legumes, meat and dairy products, as well as eggs. The total contribution of the listed groups of goods to the increase in the consolidated CPI for the month reached 0.57 percentage points, which is 71% of the influence of the observed food and non-alcoholic beverages, and about 44% of the total contribution of all observed goods and services.

The most significant contribution to the increase in the consolidated CPI for JanuaryOctober 2021 from the main groups of food and non-alcoholic beverages, as in the previous month, was made by price changes for meat and fat and oil products. In total, due to the rise in prices for meat, oils and fats, the consolidated CPI since the beginning of the year has increased by 1.78 percentage points, which is 51.4% of the total contribution of food and nonalcoholic beverages and about 24.4% of the total growth of the consolidated CPI.

In October of this year, alcoholic beverages rose 1.0% over the month, including alcoholic beverages and liqueurs - by 1.3%, wine - by 0.3%, beer - by 0.1%. During this period, tobacco products also rose by 0.7%. By the level of December 2020, alcoholic beverages increased in price by 8.0%, including alcoholic beverages and liqueurs - by 9.2%, wine - by 5.9%, beer - by 4.9%. During the same period, tobacco products became more expensive by 11.3%. In annual terms, alcoholic beverages rose in price by an average of 10.4%, tobacco products - by 13.1%. Alcoholic drinks and liqueurs, compared to October 2020, have become more expensive by 12.5%, wine - by 7.1%, beer - by 5.5%.

In October 2021, monthly rentals for residential premises increased by 1.5%. At the same time, prices and tariffs for the main types of utilities remained at the level of the previous month. Materials for maintenance and repair of housing increased by 0.4% over the month, the services of locksmiths, plumbers, electricians and painters - by 1.1%. Since the beginning of the year, housing maintenance and repair services, as well as the materials used for this, have become, respectively, more expensive by 7.5% and 5.0% (12.6% and 5.2% by October 2020), the rent for housing has increased by 5.9%, for cold water supply and sewerage - 1.6 times (1.9 times), for collection and disposal of garbage - by 3.7% (3.7%), maintenance in apartment buildings - by 1 , 8% (1.9%).

The most significant rise in prices in this section in just a month is for services in sewing textiles used in households (1.8%). The leaders in the growth of prices both from the beginning of the year and in relation to October last year were services for disinfection and destruction of pests (15.8%).

Of the main observed groups of goods and services in the healthcare sector in October 2021, dental services (1.8%) became the leaders in price growth over the month.

The superiority in price growth both in January-October of this year and to the level of October 2020 belongs to services for diagnostic imaging and medical laboratories (an increase of 10.8% and 14.1%, respectively).

In October 2021, gasoline again became the leader in the monthly price growth in this section (by 13.5% on average). This is the most tangible increase in prices in one month over the past two years. Propane for a month has become more expensive on average in the republic by 0.2%. Gasoline also takes a leading position in price growth both in JanuaryOctober 2021 (1.5 times) and in annual terms (1.6 times). During the same periods, propane prices increased slightly less significantly (from the beginning of the year by 27.5%, by October 2020 - by 29.0%).

Stationary and mobile telephone equipment in October of this year increased in price by 0.5% and 0.1%, information processing equipment - by 0.4%, equipment for receiving, recording and reproducing sound and images - by 0.2%. Of the main observed services in the field of information and communication, the price increase in October of this year was recorded only for repair services of information and communication equipment, the cost of which increased by 1.8% over the month. With a significant margin in terms of price increases both in January-October 2021 and in relation to October 2020, services for the repair of information and communication equipment are in the lead (13.3% and 17.7%, respectively).

Receiving higher education on a contract basis for a month has become cheaper on average in the republic by 0.5%.

In the field of education, not subdivided by levels, in October 2021, an increase in fees for tutoring services (0.6%), as well as for tuition in language and similar courses (by an average of 0.3%) was noted. The leaders in price growth both in January-October 2021 and in annual terms are preschool education services in state educational organizations (13.2%), and relative to October 2020 - training courses (14.6%).

Prepared food in cafes, canteens and fast food outlets increased in price within a month within the range of 0.4-1.6%. Fees for services of hotels, hotels and similar hotel services, as well as the cost of services for recreation centers remained at the level of the previous month. Leadership in price growth both in January-October of this year and in relation to October 2020 is held by the services of recreation centers (18.2%).

The cost of insurance services has remained stable over the past twelve months. In the field of financial services, in October this year, only a slight increase in fees for remittances by 0.2% was registered (the impact of changes in the exchange rate of the national currency against the US dollar). At the same time, since the beginning of 2021, financial services have become more expensive by 0.5%.

In annual terms, the increase in prices for financial services was fixed at 0.8%, which was influenced by an increase in the cost of services of banking institutions by 2.6%, fees for money transfers - by 3.3%, as well as a decrease in fees for money transfer funds through electronic payment systems - by 5.0%.

In October 2021, among the main groups of goods and services included in this section, the one-percent line of price growth was overcome by the services of hairdressing salons (3.2%) and personal service establishments (1.1%), watch repairs (2.6%), as well as photocopying (1.2%). Legal services (20.6%) and hairdressing (20.3%) took the leading positions in price growth in January-October 2021, and compared to October last year, hairdressing services became more expensive than others (24.1%).

The unconditional dominance of the contribution of price changes for food and nonalcoholic beverages manifested itself in the structure of the contribution to the growth of the short-term aggregate indicator for October 2021. These goods accounted for over 60% of the total monthly CPI growth.

Food inflation leads in terms of its contribution to the growth of the consolidated CPI for January-October 2021. Due to the rise in prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages, the consolidated CPI since the beginning of the year has increased by 3.47 percentage points. with an overall increase of 7.3 p.p. In specific terms, food and nonalcoholic beverages account for over 47% of the total impact of goods and services.

In October 2021, food and non-alcoholic beverages accounted for over 52% of the total increase in the consolidated CPI in annual terms, which allows us to conclude that food inflation continues to dominate in the structure of the annual consolidated CPI


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