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Finance 01/04/2023 Consolidated CPI in Uzbekistan amounted to 1.0% in March
Consolidated CPI in Uzbekistan amounted to 1.0% in March

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- In March 2023, the consolidated CPI for the month in Uzbekistan amounted to 1.0%, by December 2022 - 2.4% In annual terms (compared to March of the previous year), this indicator is fixed at around 11.7%, the Statistics Agency of Uzbekistan said.

In March 2023, the CPI for goods for the month was 101.2%, services - 100.4%. Since the beginning of this year, this indicator has reached 102.6% and 101.6%, respectively. In annual terms, it was at the level of 112.6% and 108.4%.

According to the approved methodology, price registration is carried out monthly from the 10th to the 20th. The data collection is organized in such a way that the price registration in this time period for each position is carried out once, and the interval between registrations for adjacent periods is one calendar month. The level of average prices is influenced by many factors, including assortment and territorial shifts. When calculating the CPI, their influence is excluded in order to identify only inflationary factors. More than 10 thousand objects of trade and services are examined monthly, more than 120 thousand price quotations are fixed.

The entire set of goods and services for monitoring price changes, consisting of 510 items, is divided into three large groups

The short-term CPI for food products in March 2023 was 101.6%, non-food products – 100.7%, services – 100.4%. For January-March of the current year, these figures, respectively, reached 103.4%, 101.6% and 101.6%. CPI in annual terms for food and non-food products was at the level of 114.6% and 110.2%, for services it was fixed at 108.4%.

Excluding changes in prices for fruits and vegetables, the short-term consolidated CPI for March 2023 was 100.8%. By the level of December 2022, this indicator is fixed at around 101.5%, March 2022 - 112.6%.

In March 2023, the contribution of price changes for food products to the growth of the consolidated CPI for the month amounted to 0.69 p.p. They accounted for over 68% of the total impact of observed goods and services. The share of the contribution of non-food products amounted to 22.8% (contribution 0.23 p.p.), paid services to the population - 8.9% of the total impact (contribution 0.09 p.p.).

In the first quarter of 2023, the contribution of price changes for food products to the growth of the consolidated CPI amounted to 1.45 p.p. They accounted for about 60.7% of the total impact of observed goods and services. The share of the contribution of non-food products amounted to 23.8% of the total impact (contribution +0.57 p.p.). The contribution of price changes for services was the smallest among the three main groups and reached 0.37 p.p. (15.5%). In the structure of the consolidated CPI in annual terms, the share of food products accounted for 53.1%, non-food products – 30.2%, services – 16.7% of the total impact.

As part of the execution of paragraph 36 of the "Roadmap" for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2025, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-4796 dated August 3, 2020 “On measures to further improve and develop the national statistics system of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, since January 2021, the State Statistics Committee (now the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan) was the first among the CIS countries to completely switch to the formation of the CPI based on the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purposes 2018 (COICOP 2018).

In March 2023 short-term CPI for the month in section XI. "Restaurants and hotel services" amounted to 102.8%, section I. "Food and non-alcoholic drinks" – 101.6%, sections II. "Alcoholic drinks, tobacco products", VI. "Health" and XIII. “Household goods and services, other goods and services” – 101.3% each. In other sections, it did not exceed the average value for observed goods and services (101.0%).

The CPI for January-March 2023 was lower than in the same period last year for almost all sections, with the exception of sections VII. "Transport" (102.9% vs. 101.5%) and XIII. “Household goods and services, other goods and services” (102.8% vs. 102.7%).

The annual CPI for March 2023 was lower than in the same period last year in sections I. Food and non-alcoholic beverages (-0.2 points), VII. "Transport" (-1.5 points), VIII. “Information and communication” (-1.8 points) and X. “Educational services” (-8.3 points).

In March 2023, a short-term CPI below the 100.0% mark was recorded in the Oils and Fats group (99.6%).

The seasonal increase in prices for vegetables, tubers and legumes in March was less pronounced than in the first two months of the current year. Thus, the shortterm CPI in this group in March 2023 was 104.7% against 107.7% and 105.1% in January and February).

In most sections of the section, with the exception of fruits and vegetables, as well as sugar, confectionery and desserts, the short-term CPI in March 2023 was lower than the average for the section.

The CPI in section I. "Food and non-alcoholic beverages" for the 1st quarter of 2023 was largely influenced by the seasonal increase in prices for fruits and vegetables. Thus, the CPI, which exceeded the average value for the section, was noted for fruits and nuts (105.7%), as well as for vegetables, tubers and legumes (118.5%).

In all groups, with the exception of meat products, milk, other dairy products and eggs, the CPI for January-March 2023 was lower than the same indicator of the previous year.

CPI in annual terms for March 2023 in the groups "Fish and other seafood", "Oils and fats", "Fruits and nuts", "Vegetables, tubers and legumes" was lower than the same indicator for March 2022. At the same time, the average level of prices for fruits and nuts in March of this year remained lower than in the corresponding month of the previous year.

In March of this year, a decrease in prices for certain types of fruit and vegetable products with a relatively long shelf life was recorded. Thus, the shortterm CPI for beets, potatoes, carrots and onions was below 100.0% (the fluctuation range was 97.3-98.6%). The rise in prices for cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, on the contrary, has accelerated, which is largely due to the seasonal nature of price changes for them and the difficult conditions for growing these vegetables in greenhouse conditions. In a number of cases, as with cabbage, for example, the increase in prices is due to the appearance of a new crop on the market.

In March of this year, onion prices, after their significant growth in January and February, stabilized and decreased in all regions. At the same time, the CPI for this type of product for the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 156.8% (against 159.0% for January-February). Potatoes, cabbage, garlic, apples, lemons, eggplants in March 2023 became goods with a decrease in prices in annual terms. By March 2022, the CPI for them was in the range of 58.9-93.8%.

The increase in prices for fruits and vegetables in total increased the short-term consolidated CPI for March 2023 by 0.31 percentage points. Due to changes in prices for cereals and cereals, meat, dairy products and eggs, sugar, confectionery and desserts, it increased by another 0.29 percentage points.

In the structure of the growth of the consolidated CPI for JanuaryMarch 2023, the most significant contribution also belongs to fruits and vegetables (total contribution +1.01 p.p.). CPI for March 2023 in annual terms is largely associated with changes in prices for cereals (+2.5 p.p.).

In March this year, CPI fluctuations in Section III. “Clothes and footwear” ranged from 98.4% (women’s fur hats, as well as demi-season men’s boots and boots) to 104.2% (clothing rental).

Section IV. "Housing services, water, electricity, gas and other fuels" short-term CPI in March this year for materials for the maintenance and repair of residential premises amounted to 101.6%. The range of CPI changes for goods included in this group ranged from 100.3% (metal pipes, bends, spigots, couplings) to 102.6% (cement). Prices for the main types of communal services remained stable throughout the month.

In March 2023, the upper limit of CPI fluctuations in the group "Furniture and household items" reached 102.5% (repair and installation of furniture, household items and pile carpets). The range of CPI changes in the Household Appliances group ranged from 99.9% (juicers) to 102.1% (rental of household appliances). The upper limit of the short-term CPI for tools and devices used in everyday life and gardening was fixed at 102.2% for the month (shovels, pitchforks, rakes). In the group “Goods and services used in connection with housekeeping”, there was a decrease in prices for disinfection and pest control services (price index 99.4%). CPI for kitchen utensils and household items for the month amounted to 101.1%, linen for dining rooms and bathrooms – 101.3%.

CPI for medicines in March 2023 for the month amounted to 101.8%, outpatient dental services – 101.1%, other outpatient treatment services – 101.4%, inpatient rehabilitation services – 101.3%, according to diagnostic imaging and medical laboratories – 99.8%.

In March 2023, a decrease in the prices of gasoline and propane for vehicles was noted. Short-term CPI for gasoline is fixed at 98.5%, propane - 99.5%. CPI against the previous month for passenger road transport services amounted to 99.8%, railway – 100.4%, air – 100.3%.

The short-term CPI for information and communication equipment in March this year amounted to 100.4%, which is lower than in the same month of 2021- 2022, but higher than in March 2020. The fluctuation range of short-term CPI for goods included in this group ranged from 100.1% (laptops) to 101.0% (peripheral equipment and its consumable components). The CPI by March 2022 in the group was 105.0%, becoming the lowest figure for March of the last three years.

Of the services in the field of informatization in March of this year, an increase in prices was recorded only for services for the repair of information and communication equipment, where the CPI for the month amounted to 103.1%.

CPI in section IX. "Recreation, sports and culture" in March 2023 compared to the previous month amounted to 100.9%. The range of short-term CPI for goods and services included in the section ranged from 99.9% (museum services) to 114.5% (zoo visits). At the same time, bio services became more expensive only in the Andijan region, where the average ticket price increased by a little more than 5 100 soums.

In March 2023, in four regions of the republic (in Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions), the fee for attending private preschool educational organizations by children was reduced (within 1.1-10.9%). In the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent region, on the contrary, it was increased. CPI for this type of service on average in the country amIn addition, in a number of regions, there was a decrease in prices for tutoring services, as well as tuition fees for educational courses. The short-term CPI for these services was 98.7% and 99.6%, respectivelyounted to 99.3%

CPI in the field of public catering for March of this year amounted to 102.9%. The shortterm CPI for prepared food in cafes, canteens, and fast food establishments was in the range of 102.8-103.0%.

In March 2023, an increase in prices for hotel services was registered in five regions of the republic. In general, the CPI for the month for the specified type of service in the country was fixed at 101.5%.

Services of recreation centers and sanatoriums have risen in price less significantly, and the short-term CPI for them in March this year reached only 100.7%.

In March of this year, the price situation in the observed insurance services market remained stable. A slight increase in prices among financial services was noted only for money transfer services through banks. CPI for this type of service for the month amounted to 100.8%. This is due to fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency against the US dollar and, as a result, a change in commission fees for transferring funds in foreign currency.

CPI for the month for electrical appliances for personal use amounted to 100.5%, other appliances and personal goods - 101.6%, services of hairdressers and personal care establishments – 101.2%.

The range of fluctuations in short-term CPI for goods and services included in this group in March of the current year ranged from 99.9% (school bags, including briefcases, knapsacks, backpacks) to 102.2% (watch repair).

The short-term CPI for other services in March 2023 amounted to 101.5%, which is associated with an increase in prices for funeral services in a number of regions (CPI on average in the republic is 102.8%), as well as for photocopying services (101.5%).

The contribution of price changes for food and non-alcoholic beverages to the growth of the short-term consolidated CPI in March of this year amounted to +0.63 percentage points. This section accounted for over 62% of the total impact of all observed goods and services. The deterrent was the decline in prices in the education sector, due to which the consolidated CPI fell by 0.01 percentage points. Due to the increase in prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages, the consolidated CPI as a whole for the first quarter of 2023 increased by 1.39 percentage points, the increase in prices in the field of transport and healthcare added another 0.42 percentage points to it. The influence of other sections was less significant.

Due to the growth in prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages, the consolidated CPI for March 2023 in annual terms increased by 5.71 p.p., with a total increase of 11.66 p.p. Thus, this section accounted for over 50% of the total impact of observed goods and services. The total contribution of price changes in the remaining sections amounted to 5.95 percentage points, or 49.8%.


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