Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) -- A resolution of the President “On the creation of additional conveniences for making payments by the population” was adopted.
In accordance with the Resolution, from 1 May 2023, commission payments (fees) for the provided payment services for payments, as well as the beneficiaries of which are budgetary and corporate customers, are not collected from the payer - an individual, but by deduction from the payment amount.
Until 1 May 2023, in the city of Tashkent, as a legal experiment, it was decided to introduce the practice of providing cash withdrawal services at points of sale and provision of services covered by a network of virtual cash desks.
The work on the mutual integration of the payment systems "HUMO" and "UZCARD" will be completed in stages, in particular:
- ATMs - until May 2023;
- payment terminal systems - until the end of 2023.
Until 1 September 2023, the integration of the information system of the Ministry of Economy and Finance into the Fast Payment System of the Central Bank will be ensured.