Representatives of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia and the Secretariat of the CIS Council of Defense Ministers participated in the event.
The draft agreement is intended to provide a single approach to the organization of investigation of air accidents of state aircrafts of one CIS country in the territory of another, the CIS Executive Committee press service reports.
For that after the document enters into force within three months the sides will determine the authorized body for safety of flights of national airlines. This body will be responsible for the organization of conducting investigations of air accidents, their classification and accounting, and control over the work of aviation personnel on safety of flights.
At the same time, the investigation will be implemented exclusively for determination of the reasons of accidents and making recommendations by its results. Any court or administrative trial on establishment of someone’s guilt or liability will be carried out individually.
The agreement comes with Air Accident Investigation Rules that contain definitions and classification of air accidents, order of conducting investigation and level of participation of authorized representatives and consultants. The rules also envisage an order of information distribution related to the accident.
The draft agreement will be submitted for consideration by the Council of Defense Ministers at the next meeting of the Council of CIS heads.