Subscribers of “Allo! 1 soum!” can call and send SMS for only 1 soum. From 20 July, “Allo” tariff plan was changed to “Allo! 1 soum!”, so new subscribers can receive new preferential proposal.
Unitel commercial director on mass market development Marat Serikov said: “With new tariff plan, our subscribers can communicate more for the same amount of money. New and existing subscribers can subscribe to “Allo! 1 soum!” tariff plan. I am sure Uzbekistan citizens will like this campaign and new tariff plan will become season’s popular offer.”
There is no subscription fee for “Allo! 1 soum!” tariff plan and all incoming calls are free. Outgoing calls and SMS within tariff plan is only 1 soum, and to other Beeline tariff plans – 5 soums. The outgoing calls to other networks will cost 39 soums per minute.