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Tourism 11/04/2020 Aziz Abdukhakimov: “Online tourism” and “distance sports” to develop in Uzbekistan
Aziz Abdukhakimov: “Online tourism” and “distance sports” to develop in Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( - What activities are carried out in the field of tourism and sports during the coronavirus pandemic? What new approaches are used in the development of these areas? What new projects are planned?

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development, Aziz Abdukhakimov answered to these and other questions.

- Aziz Abdukakhorovich, what is being done to develop tourism and sports at a time when, due to a pandemic that has erupted in the world, our country is also taking measures to non-proliferate Covid-19, in particular, are events being delayed in these two directions and flights canceled?

- Yes, currently in our country there is a regime of compulsory self-isolation. However, during this period one does not need to sit back, one must use time effectively, use new methods for the development of these industries. For example, the State Committee for Tourism Development is currently working on the development of online tourism, supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups, and the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports has already begun work on the active development of distance sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Also, in cooperation with the Association of Private Travel Organizations of Uzbekistan (APTO), the Association of Chefs, and the Gastronomy Association, free online courses and webinars are organized to improve the skills of staff and specialists. A number of representatives of the tourism business contribute to the fight against coronavirus and participate in various charity events. In addition, the State Committee for Tourism Development, together with APTO and the National PR Center, is developing a strategy for promoting a national product abroad. According to him, after the end of the quarantine period, it is planned to organize a road-show in Europe and the CIS.

- Speaking separately about the development of online tourism, what exactly is being done in this direction?

- At present, the State Committee for Tourism Development and the National PR Center are working on the launch of the website, which will allow virtual tourist trips in Uzbekistan. This will be the first platform offering virtual travel in our country. In this difficult period, it is important to strengthen the promotion of tourism in Uzbekistan. This will allow tourists to plan their trips in advance without leaving home. It is expected that the new site will be launched in the coming days.

- What are the areas of the website?

- According to the concept, this site will mainly work in three areas:

For tourists. That is, it will allow you to make virtual tours throughout Uzbekistan. To date, cooperation has already begun with museums and other tourist sites to launch virtual tours. Taking this opportunity, we would like to attract our talented specialists working in this field, and together organize online tours. At the same time, we urge the owners of cafes, restaurants and other tourist facilities to take the necessary measures to launch a virtual tour, as this will allow tourists to choose the most suitable place for them right now. If representatives of the tourism business have certain difficulties in this regard, the necessary advice and recommendations will be presented on the website

For representatives of the tourism industry. Cooperation with hotel owners and managers, tour operators, guest houses, guides, etc. will be strengthened, and work will continue to further develop the industry. Using the platform, webinars will be organized covering the latest global trends and news, online surveillance and online guides. Their employment will be provided during and after the crisis.

For startups who want to implement new tourism projects. Here, information will be collected on new tourism development projects and startups, online consulting has been launched, etc. Grants are planned for the implementation of creative projects.

- During the quarantine period, the tourism business is going through difficult times. What kind of support does the state give him?

- As our esteemed President Shavkat Miromonovich noted, in such a difficult period, our state will not disregard a single entrepreneur. In accordance with Presidential Decrees No. 5969 of March 19, 2020 and No. 5978 of April 3, 2020, enterprises, including in the tourism sector, were granted a number of benefits during the pandemic. Tour operators, travel agents, accommodation facilities are exempted from land tax and property tax until December 31, pay social tax at a reduced rate (1%); for accommodation facilities, restaurants and other entities with property, the accrual of a penalty for property tax, land tax and tax for the use of water resources has been suspended, no measures will be taken to collect tax debt; for individual entrepreneurs associated with the tourism sector (family guest houses, guides, artisans), the income tax levied on individuals was reduced by 30%, and the calculation of a fixed amount of income tax and social taxes for those who were forced to terminate activities during the quarantine period. In this case, entrepreneurs can online notify tax authorities from home of the termination of their activities. Credit payments arrears (hotels, tour operators, transport and logistics companies) were delayed. In addition, privileges were granted for export-import operations (if the receivable does not exceed 10% of the total annual export, goods are allowed to be exported without guarantee payment, one-time import of technological equipment and raw materials in exchange for repayment of the foreign trade receivables) ; the application of the penalty for the delay in receivables from foreign trade operations (for travel services sold to foreign partners) was suspended; tax audits are canceled. The measures taken by the government will prevent further deterioration of the financial situation of business entities, freeing them from tax and credit payments in the current difficult economic conditions. This will help preserve the activities of enterprises, and along with this, jobs and employment, which is the main goal - to preserve jobs and improve the living standards of the population.

- What is planned to be done after the pandemic?

- The State Committee for Tourism Development has developed and sent to the Cabinet of Ministers urgent measures to reduce the negative impact of an emergency in the global tourism market on the country’s tourism sector. According to them, after the end of quarantine in Uzbekistan related to preventing the spread of coronavirus, it is planned to subsidize start-up projects in the field of tourism, including innovative business ideas, especially the ideas of youth, and their programs aimed at creating amenities for tourists. Also, within the framework of the “Discover Your Land” project, it is planned to involve the local population in the process of collecting audio, photo and video materials, and on this basis to expand the register of settlements with the status of “Tourist Village”, “Tourist Mahalla” and “Tourist Village”. Along with this, it is planned to carry out the “Plan a Travel” campaign, and together with tourism industry entities, measures have been taken to stimulate electronic systems to widely promote proposals and accept online applications related to traveling in Uzbekistan after a pandemic. It is planned to hold an online contest "New business ideas for tourism", to hold on the social networks the shares "Impressions from Uzbekistan" among foreign tourists and "My Journey" among local tourists. In cooperation with the National Television and Radio Company with the assistance of guides, guides and other specialists, programs will be prepared in the areas of Local Lore and Young Tourist. In addition, it is planned to introduce new benefits to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic.

- As vice-premier, you are also responsible for the development of sports in Uzbekistan. You mentioned the term “distance sports” above, can you tell us more about this?


- In Uzbekistan, a lot of work is being done to develop sports. Together with the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, various videos are being developed with the participation of experienced masters and trainers in our country. They give tips and tricks for maintaining physical activity during the quarantine period, and also share tips with beginners. There are various interesting challenges and competitions on social networks. For example, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports launched a challenge on April 6-26 # Stay at home! # Join life! To participate in it, during the quarantine period, you need to be engaged in physical education and sports at home with your family members, record the process on video and post it on pages on social networks, and also share them on the official pages of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports. Winners will be determined every four days and will be awarded by the ministry. If every person in our country goes in for sports and leads a healthy lifestyle, this will certainly have a positive impact on his health and life in general.

- What recommendations would you give to those who are in quarantine?

At present, when most people are at home, it is very important to maintain physical activity. I would recommend that they pay special attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercise more. At a time when people make extensive use of the Internet, everyone can download sports apps suitable for him and engage in physical education. Suppose someone wants to run a certain distance, someone else decided to lose weight, and someone decided to switch to a healthy diet. They can also achieve these goals at home. Stay at home and try to effectively use this period for yourself, develop as a person and work on yourself, strictly observe the rules of hygiene, read more books, as constant mental and physical development will certainly lead to good results.

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