Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) — Uzbekistan continues to implement a large-scale program to improve the solid waste management system. In 2024, within the framework of Presidential Decree No. 5 "On Measures to Improve the Waste Management System," 29 solid waste landfills covering a total area of 81.2 hectares in nine regions of the country were rehabilitated. This accounts for approximately 15% of the total number of landfills (198).
The rehabilitation of landfills, which involves covering them with a layer of soil, is aimed at preventing the negative impact of unauthorized dumps on the environment. Non-compliant landfills contribute to soil pollution, destruction of genetic resources, increased fire hazards, and greenhouse gas emissions.
In accordance with the "Strategy for Waste Management Activities," the rehabilitation of 167 landfills with a total area of 1,108.6 hectares is planned. The completed work has already halted the leakage of greenhouse gases, reduced the risk of fires, and cut the negative impact of wastewater on atmospheric air by 78%.
Additionally, within the "Yashil Makon" project, 197,000 tree saplings and shrubs have been planted on 112 landfills, contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation and land restoration.
Looking ahead, plans include a significant reduction in harmful emissions, decreased morbidity rates among the population, and the creation of modern landfills that meet international standards.